Raise your hand if you've seen a Wilderness Family movie or Song of the South in the theater.
How about all of the above?
Raise your hand if you've seen a Wilderness Family movie or Song of the South in the theater.
A little finger breaking would do the trick.Don't worry, I'm going to break Jye's neck. He'll never be able to type these things again.
Meh. Nah...
Raiders: 10
TOD: 8
TLC: 7
TFA: 7
TWS: 8
CW: 8
Clown Prince is right, though. It's not a trilogy anymore, and never even really was as the original 3 were all basically stand alone films with very little continuity.
Still a better trifecta overall, though.
Raise your hand if you've seen a Wilderness Family movie or Song of the South in the theater or remember curtains opening before a film began.
Yep I added "and remember curtains opening before the movie begins" to my post above.
Hiring a hitman to come and kill you.
Don't worry, I'm going to break Jye's neck. He'll never be able to type these things again.
Yep. Of course no single Cap movie is better than Raiders but it's definitely the better trilogy. At the very least Civil War is superior then every "Part 3" save for Return of the King.
If I were to rank the top ones strictly in terms of quality I'd go:
2. SW OT
4. Indy trilogy
5. Dark Knight Trilogy
6. Mad Max trilogy
(I'm sure someone will mention The Man with No Name trilogy but save for Unforgiven Westerns have just never been my thing.)
I'd put Cap trilogy as neck and neck with ALIEN. Too close for me to call right now, check back with me in a year or two.
RAIDERS is so utterly perfect and timeliness that it alone puts the entire trilogy above these, imho.
That's not fair. You can't just have the quality of Raiders "count" for parts two and three as well.
Cap trilogy absolutely is better than Raiders trilogy
I can see Khev now...
Yep I'm all "I'll get you Clown Prince...eventually!!"
I can't believe I lived long enough to see this:
and this:
finally be overshadowed by a very valid case being made that:
*sniff* It's so beautiful man.
At least that Capt's outfit looked good.....
Yep. Of course no single Cap movie is better than Raiders but it's definitely the better trilogy. At the very least Civil War is superior than every "Part 3" save for Return of the King.
If I were to rank the top ones strictly in terms of quality I'd go:
2. SW OT
4. Indy trilogy
5. Dark Knight Trilogy
6. Mad Max trilogy
(I'm sure someone will mention The Man with No Name trilogy but save for Unforgiven Westerns have just never been my thing.)
I'd put Cap trilogy as neck and neck with ALIEN. Too close for me to call right now, check back with me in a year or two.
that is super lolz
but...see below...khev understood what I said.
I never said they were better than Raiders, that's blasphemy and punishable by forced viewings of AOTC.
But i'm sorry, TOD and TFC don't even come close to the quality of Raiders, I never even bought from day one that TOD took place before Raiders.
Cap trilogy absolutely is better than Raiders trilogy, but Raiders is still KING of adventure action movies as:
Die Hard 1 is still KING of present day police action movies
Robocop 1 is still KING of futuristic police action movies
OT is still KING of space action movies
Predator 1 is still KING of present day sci-fi action movies
Aliens is still KING of futuristic sci-fi action movies
LOTR is still KING of fantasy action movies
But as a trilogy, Cap1/2/3 is superior.
Cap and his friends were handled very well in comparison to Indy and his friends in TOD/TFC.
Yes and No
I can go along with most of this cept LoTR (yawn) and DH or Lethal Weapon always a toss up for me...maybe LW best buddy trilogy. Matrix