There's also clear differences, Batgordon, Superbro, Joker were done for the story, maybe Batgordon seized the publicity a little with "who's the new Batman" but that's it, FalCap, Whor, and I don't remember what else of that wave they did, but I'm sure it was plenty cause I was mad every weekend one of those stupid announcements came outwere done for the pandering and the spotlight, NOT for the stories.
Oh, NuThor was obviously a PC stunt, no doubt. But FalCap is as much a plot device as BatGordon. Thing is, if you want really good sories, you have to make due with indies and the lesser known characters. And Batman. The rest? Eh, you're gonna be dissapointed. The last great "Big Name" book I read was Fraction's Iron Man, which was phenomenal. Superior Spider-Man was fun. Batman was overall good (though it had some stinkers). And that's it for me. I enjoyed the B/C Listers much more.
The first 2 or 3 arcs of NOW were great, but then it went right to ****, and thus, spawning ANAD.
Eh, I guess. But either way, Moon Knight's great, Ultimates and Uncanny X-Men are damn good, and Deadpool's just as good as last time, so I'm happy. Doctor Strange is absymal, but I'm pulling out of devotion to the character. Silver Surfer is the most cringeworthy piece of **** I've read in recent years though. It's a Doctor Who Rip-Off starring Clara Oswald. It's really, really bad...