Captain America PF Image Thread

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The ill Jedi said:
I couldn't agree more, the Captain how now taken over the top spot as my favorite PF! :rock

I am so jealous of Scott Klauder, the seamstress that made the clothing for the Cap PF made him a shirt out of the exact same material! I want one. :monkey2

Go on sideshow sell captain america know you want to :D
King Darkness said:

Tall... :google
Bodie The Cursed said:
Glad I cancelled it.

Ditto.....not my cup of tea....Still, he looks good..the only problem I've seen with him so far in the pics, is his camel Toe..:monkey4
Man, can't wait to get the Hulk and Cap. Have no idea where they'll be displayed. Yes, gotta love when you buy something and you have no idea where the heck it's going. Can the box that holds the contents of the Hulk PF take on its heft if I were to sit it on top? I am guessing yes, because it may have to make due and be my display table for now.

Okay Eli, you can't buy any more statues after next month. You need to look into getting furniture to showcase said statues/collectibles, instead of looking like a bag man with a lot of nice pieces cluttered all over the place.

Also, you may have to ask the nextdoor neighbour if it's okay if you can spend some time over there. I am thinking as long as I have this place. They shouldn't mind. As it is my collection is now the full resident of its own house. So I guess that's what I'll have to do. Yep... gotta love compulsive spending.

Nah, it isn't that bad. But after July you heard it from me. I vow to slow down collecting. Well, until my Mary Jane statue comes in and of course my Darkness PF. But after that, I am going to quit cold turkey!

No more than 1 piece per every three months. And if I take on more, I have to sell something in exchange to balance the order of things.
Eli26 said:
No more than 1 piece per every three months. And if I take on more, I have to sell something in exchange to balance the order of things.
Here we go again with that "will power" thing. ;)

My problem is, even if I only order one piece very three months, Sideshow still ships them ALL AT THE SAME TIME! :eek:
RoboDad said:
Here we go again with that "will power" thing. ;)

My problem is, even if I only order one piece very three months, Sideshow still ships them ALL AT THE SAME TIME! :eek:

Interesting how that works eh? In July I have a Hulk PF, Captain America PF, and GG Slave Leia. Thankfully my Cap is already paid for, but with duties still not paid... ugh, with the other purchases.. while I can handle all three statues in July I am going to barely make by. Thank goodness I got some extra work. Just better get paid on time so I don't feel like I am penny pinching.

Can't wait.. gonna be exciting as a collector next month!

Watch it, next 3 months I'll be starved for something new. Always funny how everything comes out at the same time. Stupid Leia was supposed to come out in April, and next thing you know it got pushed to May. Then June came along and she was F I N A L L Y released. Ugh. I could easily afforded her in April. hehe
Eli26 said:
Man, can't wait to get the Hulk and Cap. Have no idea where they'll be displayed. Yes, gotta love when you buy something and you have no idea where the heck it's going. Can the box that holds the contents of the Hulk PF take on its heft if I were to sit it on top? I am guessing yes, because it may have to make due and be my display table for now.

It can... Mine is displayed on top of the box with no problem.
Eli26 said:
Man, can't wait to get the Hulk and Cap. Have no idea where they'll be displayed. Yes, gotta love when you buy something and you have no idea where the heck it's going. Can the box that holds the contents of the Hulk PF take on its heft if I were to sit it on top? I am guessing yes, because it may have to make due and be my display table for now.

Okay Eli, you can't buy any more statues after next month. You need to look into getting furniture to showcase said statues/collectibles, instead of looking like a bag man with a lot of nice pieces cluttered all over the place.

Also, you may have to ask the nextdoor neighbour if it's okay if you can spend some time over there. I am thinking as long as I have this place. They shouldn't mind. As it is my collection is now the full resident of its own house. So I guess that's what I'll have to do. Yep... gotta love compulsive spending.

Nah, it isn't that bad. But after July you heard it from me. I vow to slow down collecting. Well, until my Mary Jane statue comes in and of course my Darkness PF. But after that, I am going to quit cold turkey!

No more than 1 piece per every three months. And if I take on more, I have to sell something in exchange to balance the order of things.

I jump un top of hulks box and dont break it so HUlk will be fine!!!
Eli26 said:
Man, can't wait to get the Hulk and Cap. Have no idea where they'll be displayed. Yes, gotta love when you buy something and you have no idea where the heck it's going. Can the box that holds the contents of the Hulk PF take on its heft if I were to sit it on top? I am guessing yes, because it may have to make due and be my display table for now.

Okay Eli, you can't buy any more statues after next month. You need to look into getting furniture to showcase said statues/collectibles, instead of looking like a bag man with a lot of nice pieces cluttered all over the place.

Also, you may have to ask the nextdoor neighbour if it's okay if you can spend some time over there. I am thinking as long as I have this place. They shouldn't mind. As it is my collection is now the full resident of its own house. So I guess that's what I'll have to do. Yep... gotta love compulsive spending.

Nah, it isn't that bad. But after July you heard it from me. I vow to slow down collecting. Well, until my Mary Jane statue comes in and of course my Darkness PF. But after that, I am going to quit cold turkey!

No more than 1 piece per every three months. And if I take on more, I have to sell something in exchange to balance the order of things.

what you need to buy is a ****ing camera bro :rock
What?! My 3.0 Megapixel, 3 X digital zoom, 16 MB on board ram, Hewitt Packard isn't good enough? Best $80 US I spent in 2005! lol

I need to get a REAL camera I know! I am looking at a Pentax or Canon 7.0 mp or better digital camera with a good OPTICAL not digital zoom.

But my problem is I get another cool statue offered my way. 700 bucks worth of statues alone coming to me in July! lol So it does play a problem. That and I need money to take the girlfriend out, go see movies, buy groceries, etc.

btw Since we're on the topic, I took a bunch of pictures (mediocre ones). Blame the camera, not the photographer. hehe

So you'll see some nice G1 boxed Transformers. P!tu saw my baby. MISB C9 Shockwave in pristine condition. I should grade that *****! Easily reach into the 4 digits. I seen not as rare G1 items once they get a good grade from AFA fetch in the low 1,000's.

FYI I am still sick. Really upset. This tonsil infection and fever won't let up. I am really getting worried. I haven't had a real meal since Monday at 8 PM. That can't be healthy. All I had in between that time is three meal replacement shakes and that's only 10 grams of protein each at X 3 = 30 grams of protein since late Monday. Now it's Thursday morning. Oh yeah, I am also averaging 5 hours of sleep. :(