To me articles like that are just poorly written pieces that are out to look for an excuse to criticize a film they simply don't want due to their bias. CM is far from perfect and there are flaws in the film but IMO this isn't one of them. I actually think it fits perfectly into MCU's canon on how SHIELD operates and how inefficient/bureaucratic the organization has gotten.
U make really good points, tho I'd argue some of them esp. re film canon

....but as u say, speaking just for myself *human nature* depending on the film I let some stuff skate

; if I don't like a film or book then every little thing seems to mushroom. That said, do I think some of the YTers are over the top - practically spitting when they pontificate? Sure.

Esp. over the "ruin of the MCU" 'coz there's already articles out re Disney taking their foot off the gas to "think about things" and their direction. Not because of CM, but because it's common sense when u just acquired a whole bunch of properties to work with.
For myself - politely put, I dislike the CM film

, the treatment, writing, and what Disney/Marvel/Feige did re the entire MCU movie arc (re stuffing a main character in at the last minute - horrible intro for a/the character in general IMO, unless the character could instantly win both hearts and minds of most *in general*). I'm tired of the MCU's fluffier films and fast-track pacing; it seems like ages since BP and CW. Everyone seems to have a LOT of jokes and/or rams an "edgy-fun" soundtrack in. Homecoming, GOTG2, Ragnarok (tho IMO that was genius

), IW full of jokes, CM. Not that I don't appreciate laughs, but I'd like to give a *&^% about the characters and what might happen etc. once in a while.
Others would say CM's a fun film and people are too bothered by stuff and some actress sounding off; and it was absolutely critical a character showed up to help out and the MCU always puts in characters etc. (In this case I'd argue that too...)
But I will always stand by the right others have to luv something I don't. Millions love Infinity War and it MADE millions; for me - not so much; for a whole bunch of reasons. Ultimately it comes down to product, and are u going to pay for a certain product and related merchandise.