I think Malgus and jal76 must work for Disney.....
This seems to be like BP all over again. Which to me is most over rated movie of ALL time.
So, Captain Marvel is making money, but still lowest rated movie in the MCU...after 2 weeks. It's still sitting at a 62% viewer score on RT with 70k views, after they purged like 30k views opening weekend between Thursday night into Saturday in order to raise it from it's lowest at 32% to get it into the 50% range...
Oh yeah, it's the false reviews from all the trolls and Russian bots bombing the site...
I'm sure we can look forward to this too to be nominated for an Oscar so as to not angry all the feminists out there. After all, this is the 1st movie with a female lead..Finally!!!!
This post is so desperate. They are in business to make money! That's it. You right wingers are desperately clinging to some stupid scores that doesn't matter nearly enough as the almighty dollar. What do you think these companies prefer? Some stupid scores or crazy $$$? Every company will prefer to make a billion like Captain Marvel will instead of some stupid scores the angry white male trolls are clinging to