Isn’t it amazing how easy it is to sit at a keyboard and easily dismiss 11 years worth of a ground breaking historic and super successful and loved connected cinematic universe based off 2D comic book cartoons from characters dressed in silly tights?
Lets do this.
Look at the end credits of every MCU movie we’re looking at how many names, thousands if not hundreds of thousands of artists from hundreds of departments from around the globe for these past 11 years, right and that’s not even counting the producers, writers, actors and directors!
So now sit in front of all of those hundreds of thousands of creators and say this exact quote to them:
“Building universes is the fun, EASY PART!” (but ultimately you failed miserably).
When you’re done with your one sentence opinion that took maybe 0.000001% of effort and brain cell to generate you can then feel great comfort knowing they will pat you on your head, give you a parting gift of a shiny new dunce cap and send you back on your way to your super exciting creative life next to your keyboard.
For me personally Avengers End Game is the god damn D-Day Landing at Normandy of cinema after 11 years worth of planning for it.
CM is the flight heading towards those beaches and i’m looking forward to her and her fellow Avengers getting their hands dirty one more time and for some their last time.
Up to BP or IW - kinda - I might've more or less agreed with all this. Somewhat.
1) For one thing, all those production people from all departments may or may not have varying degrees of passion about the whole thing. Because, it's production. Long hours of exhausting work to meet a deadline; and I know with printed stuff there's the concept of the "good enough" job.
You'd think that in the year 2018, following the recent glut of comic book films, visual effects (VFX) studios would have perfected the art of creating realistic CG humans. Instead, we appear to have peaked at Avatar in 2010. What gives?
It's not just a matter of visual effects companies getting lazy. As movies have started to rely even more on complex VFX, the firms creating them are overworked, underpaid and, at times, literally fighting for survival, according to one person who has worked on several recent blockbusters (and who asked to remain anonymous due to the sensitivity of their work). That's led to a decline in overall quality, even while some studios continue to push new boundaries, like WETA, with its work in the recent Planet of the Apes trilogy.
2) Far as I know the MCU wasn't planned A-Z? Iron Man was released, then another, then another - I seem to remember Feige or the actors talking about Marvel checking what worked, what didn't.
So to me, we've been through the "upswing" period. Building. For anything that's a fun, creative, period, usually. Even the "less-good" which IMO was always true of the MCU - there's no movie that was across the board BAD like OMG kill me before I ever have to watch this again...

(Like, I re-watched Thor 2 last night and there's some impressive design there. I never get the feeling that the director didn't care about what they were doing. Lots of good stuff.)
Well, anyway, you hit a success plateau and then what? Which is where I think Disney/Marvel is now. Especially since business is ruthless and a whiff of profit loss brings the sharks out

. (Who on this board - if ur where u have a job and stuff - sez "u know what? I make too much money. I think I'll wreck my job/life

, 'coz I don't like buying $600 IM figs and my $40,000 truck".

Problem is tho, that's not ORGANIC growth like the "first MCU". That's forced growth to bring in new markets to keep and build profits. Otherwise - and I think it would have been far better - if more work had been put into CM, and she had been an EG cameo.
So IMO there's fallout from CM

, no matter how much money it brings in. Unfortunately. Negativity around Feige, Clark Gregg (in fan community) that had never been there before. People wary of EG - like I won't watch it without being completely spoiled

. It's true it's been an incredible period in films to live through, but I think the need for Disney to keep profits up is a strain showing up now in the films - CM being the first, targeting young girls I guess.
Not tryin' to rain on the parade - cyclical growth happens. Even Feige has said the day will come then the MCU has a real bomb. Staff changes; actors move on. Just was sure not long ago we'd get through Infinity Wars without a hitch - and now, not.