Well, if that doesn't just explain it all.Well she and I have something in common,
Wait, you have a woman of color girlfriend too?
Well, if that doesn't just explain it all.
I think a lot of the problem that people have with actors and actresses who are “fighting for a cause,” is because many of these actors and actresses don’t personally abide by those principles they claim to espouse. So I don’t blame people for quietly taking a hard pass on willingly giving their hard earned money over to someone who lectures them on “principles and morality” while often times doing the exact opposite. That comes across as “do as I say, not as I do,” or “what’s good for me is not for thee.” I don’t really think that’s “anger” from those people, but more just a thanks, but no thanks. I’ll pass. Which they’re free to do because it’s their money. They can spend it how they choose. I personally find that to be more principled because you’re able to sacrifice something trivial for the sake of something you believe in, and personally find that to be more indicative of fighting for a cause because you’re actually doing it instead of just saying it. Actions always speak louder than words.
However, like I said earlier, boycotts are bad no matter what side it comes from. So I disagree with anyone who encourages other people to boycott something simply because you don’t like that product. Let people decide on their own how they want to spend their own money.
I miss the good old days when nfl players just played hard nosed football and actors were smart enough to do their social activism during the awards ceremonies or during their off time, not while promoting a god damn movie (eg work time).. honestly I have no problems with people voicing their opinions, I have a problem when they do it on company time, and me the paying customer is subjected to it when it’s not what I’m paying for. If they want to be politicians or activists so be it, do it on their free time not while they are being paid to do something else, esp when it involves paying customers. Hell if they are really passionate they can even make a career change it just won’t be as lucrative as acting or playing in the nfl..just ask krapernick (who opted out of 15mil a year with 49ers). Anyone else would be fired for any type of social activism or pushing personal agendas during company time, only athletes and actors seem to be immune from this, as long as they aren’t racist or breaking laws reporting false crimes lol. I’ll admit when actors do it while promoting a movie it isn’t as bad as nfl players since you could in theory avoid all the promoting and thus not be subjected to their agendas but they still shouldn’t be doing it while promoting the movie, they are paid to promote the movie not their fricken personal agendas, its very unprofessional.
and me the paying customer is subjected to it when it’s not what I’m paying for.
I miss the good old days when nfl players just played hard nosed football and actors were smart enough to do their social activism during the awards ceremonies or during their off time, not while promoting a god damn movie (eg work time).. honestly I have no problems with people voicing their opinions, I have a problem when they do it on company time, and me the paying customer is subjected to it when it’s not what I’m paying for. If they want to be politicians or activists so be it, do it on their free time not while they are being paid to do something else, esp when it involves paying customers. Hell if they are really passionate they can even make a career change it just won’t be as lucrative as acting or playing in the nfl..just ask krapernick (who opted out of 15mil a year with 49ers). Anyone else would be fired for any type of social activism or pushing personal agendas during company time, only athletes and actors seem to be immune from this, as long as they aren’t racist or breaking laws reporting false crimes lol. I’ll admit when actors do it while promoting a movie it isn’t as bad as nfl players since you could in theory avoid all the promoting and thus not be subjected to their agendas but they still shouldn’t be doing it while promoting the movie, they are paid to promote the movie not their fricken personal agendas, its very unprofessional.
Think he means ur a woman in color? Idk. But this movie isn’t good enough to argue about tbh
Agreed! why is it ok for celebrities to do it during regular business but not for us common folk? because it's very inappropriate, and common folk have to adhere to basic business etiquette. Where for some reason these celebrities get a pass on such rules.
Because its not just the personal opinion of one actress though. Disney promotes inclusivity through diversity, female empowerment and normalizing LBG(+). It's not a "secret agenda" but a platform to gain market share, but it is also part of the new Disney culture which at one time was very conservative and has since become much more liberal. The Disney powers believe in what they are promoting -- I do not think they wish to isolate "angry white males" but they do see a much larger population in their future. They see China and India, and they are catering as much to them as to anything else.
Agreed! why is it ok for celebrities to do it during regular business but not for us common folk? because it's very inappropriate, and common folk have to adhere to basic business etiquette. Where for some reason these celebrities get a pass on such rules.
Agreed! why is it ok for celebrities to do it during regular business but not for us common folk? because it's very inappropriate, and common folk have to adhere to basic business etiquette. Where for some reason these celebrities get a pass on such rules.
Because its not just the personal opinion of one actress though. Disney promotes inclusivity through diversity, female empowerment and normalizing LBG(+). It's not a "secret agenda" but a platform to gain market share, but it is also part of the new Disney culture which at one time was very conservative and has since become much more liberal. The Disney powers believe in what they are promoting -- I do not think they wish to isolate "angry white males" but they do see a much larger population in their future. They see China and India, and they are catering as much to them as to anything else.
That makes sense, and I believe it. Either way, it's still a big turn off to me . And not just because the focus is on white males lately, it's been a distasteful thing to me long before that was the current flavor lol
Well to be fair, the movie itself doesn't push her "agenda" or "activism" that much. You'll really have to be on the lookout to notice these. Her "controversial" comments (I put that in quotes since other countries do not seem to care) was not done during the movie, the movie which you'll be paying for.
She made her opinions known to everyone before people went into the theater on the highest platform, that made people aware while watching the movie and that awareness made people notice the agenda in the film clearly since there are many that have spoken about it.
Celebrities have to understand that their notoriety makes everything they say and do news, and what they say can offend portions of the audience (aka customers). So speaking publicly they should try and refrain from potential offense so they can entertain the whole audience without baggage, that's the cost of being a celebrity.
I miss the good old days when nfl players just played hard nosed football and actors were smart enough to do their social activism during the awards ceremonies or during their off time, not while promoting a god damn movie (eg work time).. honestly I have no problems with people voicing their opinions, I have a problem when they do it on company time, and me the paying customer is subjected to it when it’s not what I’m paying for. If they want to be politicians or activists so be it, do it on their free time not while they are being paid to do something else, esp when it involves paying customers. Hell if they are really passionate they can even make a career change it just won’t be as lucrative as acting or playing in the nfl..just ask krapernick (who opted out of 15mil a year with 49ers). Anyone else would be fired for any type of social activism or pushing personal agendas during company time, only athletes and actors seem to be immune from this, as long as they aren’t racist or breaking laws reporting false crimes lol. I’ll admit when actors do it while promoting a movie it isn’t as bad as nfl players since you could in theory avoid all the promoting and thus not be subjected to their agendas but they still shouldn’t be doing it while promoting the movie, they are paid to promote the movie not their fricken personal agendas, its very unprofessional.
That's what I assumed. It's problematic posts like this that kept me just a lurker.