Must mean this film is finally the failure some people hoped for!
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Oh. noboby said it's failing. Just separating fact from hype, wasn't meant as a slam on the movie.

Must mean this film is finally the failure some people hoped for!
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Don’t all MCU movies drop that much 2nd weekend in China?
IW had a 72% drop.
BP 82.5% drop.
Spiderman Homecoming 78.4% drop.
I mean I can keep going if you like lol
I mean I can keep going if you like lol
And how you do go on........
BP and IW both had huge openings and their Domestic: B.O.s were in the 700m range. I don’t see CM doing close to that Domestically. So it will rely more on the foreign numbers to make it into the billion dollar club. It may come in a little short. Time will tell.
I honestly think 1B is a long shot. I'm sticking to the original estimate of 850-900M. That seems more reasonable for a debut solo film (BP was not a debut film).
You and I agree,around 900m was my guess. just edging out WW.
Does it even matter? End Game was picture locked - they are not doing any more edits probably. If EG Reddit leaks are to be believed, then a cut of the movie is already being shown for countries that demand approval before theater release (China and probably others). However CM does won't affect EG - and Joe Russo had talked about the "purity" of the IW story process.
I mean I tend to view any movie re the long term - e.g. does it make the shelf, or not. In theory I guess a 1.1 billion box office might fast track a second CM, but right now it's not even on the planned slate (I'm excited if they follow through w. the Eternals). Read where Marvel/Feige kinda want to kick back a bit and plan.
You and I agree,around 900m was my guess,edging out WW world wide, But Dianna just might hold on to the domestic
Does it even matter? End Game was picture locked - they are not doing any more edits probably. If EG Reddit leaks are to be believed, then a cut of the movie is already being shown for countries that demand approval before theater release (China and probably others). However CM does won't affect EG - and Joe Russo had talked about the "purity" of the IW story process.
I mean I tend to view any movie re the long term - e.g. does it make the shelf, or not. In theory I guess a 1.1 billion box office might fast track a second CM, but right now it's not even on the planned slate (I'm excited if they follow through w. the Eternals). Read where Marvel/Feige kinda want to kick back a bit and plan.
Please give the Eternals to the Russo's.![]()
Here's some more "movie math":
Yup, 'Captain Marvel' Is Definitely Going To Top $1 Billion Worldwide
We can all acknowledge that the movie represents yet more proof that big-scale female-fronted superhero movies, as long as they are in a popular brand, can soar just as high as the male-driven variety. But the most important win for Captain Marvel is what it represents for the MCU.
They opened a new franchise, featuring a comparatively cult-level hero with complicated superpowers and no prior MCU introduction, with a solo flick that's going to be one of their biggest movies ever. It certainly didn't perform like Ant-Man or even Doctor Strange, and (inflation aside) it's going to tower over Captain America: The Winter Solder, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Thor: Ragnarok.
That may be true, in theory. What mildly annoys me tho is media completely ignoring - and to a degree this was true for BP - the boost from End Game. IMO it's disingenuousto ignore the factor of "u gotta see this because it ties to X". Plenty of online comments along that line tho (whether ultimately u needed to see CM or not. Some folks flat out said they were at CM for a credit scene).
Here's some more "movie math":
Yup, 'Captain Marvel' Is Definitely Going To Top $1 Billion Worldwide
You and I agree,around 900m was my guess,edging out WW world wide, But Dianna just might hold on to the domestic