MCU Whore
Oh, no doubts there!
I just read a right winger accusing Disney of placing mannequins in the theatres to make it look like its playing to a packed house. Amazing. So basically Disney spent hundreds of millions buying up tickets and even placing thousands of mannequins in theatres! They are really going all out!
Well i saw it in 4d ! It was a complete blast. A very strange experience overall though, very aggressive seat movement , water splashes , light flashes, fog. And when carol meets up with her earth friend they must literally release some earthy smelling fabreeze. Highlight was one of the ship crashes, my heart was pounding. I can’t imagine seeing a horror movie in this format. Some of the effects were effective jump scares in themselves. (The original alien will
Be playing in my theater in 4d). After seeing this twice now , Shazam is definitely superior superhero movie of the month. It’s filled to the brim with joy and heart and would probably be an epic 4d experience.
Don’t all MCU movies drop that much 2nd weekend in China?
IW had a 72% drop.
BP 82.5% drop.
Spiderman Homecoming 78.4% drop.
I mean I can keep going if you like lol
This kind of thing mildly annoys me:
That may be true, in theory. What mildly annoys me tho is media completely ignoring - and to a degree this was true for BP - the boost from End Game. IMO it's disingenuousto ignore the factor of "u gotta see this because it ties to X". Plenty of online comments along that line tho (whether ultimately u needed to see CM or not. Some folks flat out said they were at CM for a credit scene).
Disney certainly was aware of the power of the EG boost. Far as I know the other movies mentioned were as "stand alone" as u can be in an inter-connected universe. So I think their BO is actually more accurate. Tho BO never accounts for profitable disk sales afterward, either.![]()
Are you saying that BP got a boost from Infinity War??? How do you explain that it made more money than IW then?
I don't keep an eye on these things. Is this true? I'm actually amazed if it is.
Are you saying that BP got a boost from Infinity War??? How do you explain that it made more money than IW then?
Yep...surprising but third highest grossing film of all time in the US behind only Force Awakens and Avatar...
Oh. noboby said it's failing. Just separating fact from hype, wasn't meant as a slam on the movie.![]()
Actually several YouTubers are hyping the totally normal second week decline in box office receipts and claiming the movie is failing.
Are you saying that BP got a boost from Infinity War??? How do you explain that it made more money than IW then?
You seen Shazam (the original Cpt. Marvel) already?
Are you saying that BP got a boost from Infinity War??? How do you explain that it made more money than IW then?
I remember Black Panther was showing at theaters for a long time after its debut. Then it came back again in February for Black History month.