Cool that you daughter liked it.. Its always nice when kids can really enjoy a movie and its hero's
I concur, that's really awesome xipotec.

My own daughter (12 years old) didn't care much for CM and said it was merely okay when it was over. She even laughed at the big hero moment when she said "my Carol," lol. I think she just thought it sounded goofy hearing a woman so convicted over announcing her boring mom-like first name. I guess it wasn't exactly her generation's "Nice shooting, what's your name son," "Murphy" moment.
Both my kids enjoy the ritual of going to see the newest MCU or SW flick but I think they live in a world where they are so inundated with heroes on a yearly basis (sometimes with the same heroes even appearing twice in *one* year) compared to us waiting three long years or more between sequels that these characters are having a harder time resonating with them the way our heroes did with us. As entertaining as these films are they're just so formulaic and so constant and repetitive.
I'm glad that characters like WW and CM exist but I've been noticing that my daughter has been gravitating toward the heroines in thrillers that she's finally old enough to see (The Shallows, Split, A Quiet Place, Bird Box, etc.) because the tension in those films is more hardcore and unpredictable which leads to those ladies really sticking with her much more significantly than the WW's, CM's, and Reys of the world.