I am. 'Coz "everyone" knows that a "good" well-made film doesn't particularly equal huge box office. There's movies like Finding Neverland that I think are perfection - or I, Tonya - that will NEVER have huge box office. And a lot of quality films aren't anything you'd roll the whole family out to. Others that don't especially translate well to the overseas box office - even read some comment where a writer points out if your screenplay can't be easily translated now, it's not gonna sell
The other part of that is when folks cheer about the "money CM made" IMO it's disingenuous to completely ignore the huge EG influence. On paper sure, "CM made a billion dollars". IMO it's more correct to say "interest in End Game helped CM to a massive opening weekend box office" etc. Disney simply placed the film where a profit would be more or less guaranteed. And the overseas market is CM's biggest profit boost.
It's not that CM doesn't have anything redeeming about it IMO. But it's not a movie - unlike most of the MCU films - that I think I need a copy of on the shelf, or even needs to exist, as is. Because as a character introduction it didn't do the main character any favors, and IMO parts of it are just annoying and silly. If other folks like it, great. For me it wouldn't matter except this is the first character I can think of in the MCU whose importance needed to be forced in such a lame, lazy manner

. And she's sucking up screen time in EG with her not-believable little girl voice.
Yeah, u do. U really do. Movies like Waterworld which were box office bombs actually cleared a profit via disc sales, so technically the movie ISN'T a bomb. The "aftermarket" doesn't get reported 'coz it's not click bait and it's boring, but green is green is green as far as money is concerned. And yeah you DO hafta worry if you have a product that "gets over" - because the theater business isn't doing all that well.
So yeah, in a business that's on shaky ground (theaters) sure, you can still churn out an End Game. But after every success you need to figure out what you're gonna do NEXT. Disney's hedging its bets with its planned streaming service.