Captain Marvel - March 8, 2019

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I guess that’s one way to get people to watch the CFP Championship tonight..the CM trailer :lol
I’m warming up to this movie more and more I see the newer trailers

Are they CG Jackson’s face to make him look younger or is he wearing makeup
Same CGI used in Antman and other MCU films for deaging actors. Coulson will have it too.

Yeah the new trailer showed a younger Coulson

I wonder if they make it that Fury loses his eye and gains the scar from a Skrull :dunno
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It makes you wonder if Hot Toys will give her action figure a bit more padding back there. This is one case where I won’t be upset if they “fail” the screen accuracy test. Lol

They don't give Black Widow figures much of an ass and Scarjo has an ass (or at least used to) so I don't expect the Captain Marvel figure will suddenly have one.

Pretty sure she will get more, as HT always puts some padding back there. Brie has nothing so anything will be an ‘upgrade’
To be fair, I think you see a bit more of her personality when she's talking to Fury in this trailer. She seems like a smart-ass ... though a bit dry.
Regardless, I'm pretty psyched. It seems like Sam Jackson has a bigger part in this, and that's always a good thing. It's no Endgame, but it will tie me over nicely until April.
As the story seems to be about a human alien hybrid soldier living amongst aliens in space with little to no memory of her human life and her arc is rediscovering her humanity, maybe that’s why she seems more distant, militaristic, cold and emotionally detached in early scenes and she becomes more charismatic, emotional and “human” as she rediscovers her memories through the course of the film? If so, it wouldn’t make sense for her to be smiley and quipy and friendly and warm from the start, if that’s what people are looking for in a trailer.
As the story seems to be about a human alien hybrid soldier living amongst aliens in space with little to no memory of her human life and her arc is rediscovering her humanity, maybe that’s why she seems more distant, militaristic, cold and emotionally detached in early scenes and she becomes more charismatic, emotional and “human” as she rediscovers her memories through the course of the film? If so, it wouldn’t make sense for her to be smiley and quipy and friendly and warm from the start, if that’s what people are looking for in a trailer.

Shhh ... you're making too much sense.

As the story seems to be about a human alien hybrid soldier living amongst aliens in space with little to no memory of her human life and her arc is rediscovering her humanity, maybe that’s why she seems more distant, militaristic, cold and emotionally detached in early scenes and she becomes more charismatic, emotional and “human” as she rediscovers her memories through the course of the film? If so, it wouldn’t make sense for her to be smiley and quipy and friendly and warm from the start, if that’s what people are looking for in a trailer.

I don't need her to be smiley and quippy, I'm more concerned about the fact that she appears genuinely bored in many of the clips. Maybe that's an aspect of her alien genes or whatever that will make sense in the context of the film but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a little concerning. We've seen the amnesia thing done dozens of times on film; Jason Bourne, Memento, even Peter Weller's RoboCop. But none of those characters ever gave me the impression that they'd rather simply take a nap than piece together their old identities the way Larson is doing in many of her clips.

We'll see of course, it's not like I'm going to bail on the MCU this close to AEG, lol.
It’s during the questionable trailers like with CM that I find myself appreciating Marvel’s 11 year journey even more.

I am so invested in that 11 years that when a CM trailer pops up I easily shrug it off knowing that an 11 year build is coming to its final conclusion in just a mere 3 1/2 months with all indications pointing towards an epic finale due in no small part to IW creating an amazing foundation for not just a tremendous showdown but also a climax for our beloved original heroes.

Yes yes yes I know I know New Avengers, Secret Invasion arc, X-Men, FF blah blah blah.

When it comes to these 11 years I AM OFFICIALLY DONE after Spiderman FFH because i’m treating that movie as a post credit “scene” to AEG.

If and when the time comes for me to get excited over MCU X-Men and FF i’ll cross that bridge when needed but for now let CM have her uninspiring trailers because nothing is derailing me from my 11 year investment so let CM have her place in the giant cog where she belongs.

Hey if Lame Action Panther solo movie can be part of this epic journey so can the wooden Blondie, neither will defuse my enthusiasm.

Bring it on i’m ready to embrace Natalie Wood with open arms and an inflatable vest.
I'm still looking forward to this. I hope I'm not letdown. My only real worry is the cramming of girl power down our throats. "Girls Rule, Boys Drool".... :lol

The only thing I've been annoyed with from the beginning were the statements saying Captain Marvel will be the most powerful character (not Hero) in the MCU. That's just a laughable statement with having Odin, Hela, Surtur, Ego (a celestial!), Thor (especially after IW) and of course Thanos himself. Even Doctor Strange. She's up there, but she's not all powerful.

I'm very curious as to what the future will hold after A4 for the MCU going forward if we really are seeing the end to the original heroes. And whether or not my enthusiasm to see these movies remains. After all, it's near impossible to top the journey leading to Infinity War and Endgame.


Your garbage, you kill for money

Don't talk like one of them, you're not!