Captain Marvel - March 8, 2019

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This is the best response I have read on the topic.

Khev as well....

But, I think you may be underestimating a great deal of people whom claim a problem with the film. I doubt most of them could put into words as you did why they are offended, mostly because its not the same reasons.

But it still does not explain why one persons comments or actions should turn you off to a film you have never seen? As stated before MANY worse statements as crimes have been committed by actors and directors folks on this very thread claim to love....yet those infractions never see the backlash these few statements have. Perhaps its due to social media not being as present as it is now, but I think its much more likely we gave them a pass on their issues, mainly because it didn’t bother us as white men...

Why no outrage/boycott on this?

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

So we should have boycotted all Jane Fonda movies because of this.



Ryan Reynolds for this!

I’m super excited for this movie simply because it’s the final step before the main event.

If I have a gigantic lobster tail, king crab legs and melted garlic butter in front of me then CM is my finger that i’m going to use to dip that lobster and crab into the butter lol

I’ve read that when the movie is firing on all cylinders it’s quite spectacular but that only happens in the last half of the movie.
Die Hard 1 is awesome, 2 and 3 are pretty good. After that it goes completely off the rails for me because John McClane has become Superman. He, the character, knows he can do anything and come out the other side. And the films are far less engaging because of it. 4 is ***t, never seen 5 but heard it's worse.

Ah man I love Die Hard 4 and find it to be a much better film then Part 2 and 3. He really only goes full superhero at the end on the Jet plane wing.. I would argue that that is no crazier then some of the stuff he does in 2 and 3. Part 2 is utter trash IMO. 3 never felt like a Die Hard movie to me. He never fights the terrorist.. He goes around solving puzzles.. It has one great Die Hard moment and that is when he is surrounded in the Elevator.

Die Hard 5 is the worst though.

Jimcap is correct that the Star Wars sequels are diminished by Rey being a Mary Sue. We've got a trilogy where the hero has already bested the primary villain in the very first movie. And although she didn't directly fight him in TLJ she still came out the better by recovering and escaping before he woke up from whatever knocked them both unconscious. Meanwhile the First Order was dealt a massive blow, a double whammy in quick succession of Starkiller base being destroyed then Snoke and half their fleet being destroyed a short time later - yet they'll probably still be a force in 9, completely without explanation. Where is the stakes in the last movie? Obviously Rey will beat Kylo - again. :dunno What tension can we expect?

Agree 100%... I was even slightly confused when Rey bested Kylo in the first film.. It was then that I thought there was a chance for her to become the villain and Kylo to become the hero.. It was the only thing that made sense drama wise.

Let the girls have their turn, I don't feel threatened by this.

As a matter of fact, as a father of 2 daughters, I'm happy they have female versions of what we had, when we were growing up.

Just cause the character might be a overly strong female, doesn't mean you can't enjoy it too.

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I don't think anyone is saying that.. I think there is plenty of proof on this board of Female hero's that we all love.
I do find it funny that the only way woman in films can be cool is if they act more like a man. Bad Habits and all :lol

There seems to be a small contingent of men who see diversity as a threat to something....not sure what? They jump on any comment that they feel is against white men, and then dislike anything associated with the person who said it...

It even seems to happen before they can honestly make much of a real informed opinion, since its mostly based on a single comment or two from a single person in an ensemble of hundreds, on something they have not even seen.

You can usually tell then from the following being used over and over in their posts...

SJW, Virtue Signaling, liberal, forced diversity, Mary Sue (films have had this forever) ..

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

Thanks God Khev had the below response. No way I could have put it as well as he did.

Now, now, that's the sweeping manufactured narrative of SJW's my friend and it's very easy to refute (and has been done so countless times.) No one has had a problem with any other MCU female, Wonder Woman, the new Alicia Vikander Lara Croft, or Alita who's in theaters right now (and played by a hispanic actress.) "White males" have loved those characters and rallied around their success.

I also don't recall one single evil white male ever announcing that he'd be skipping Black Panther ahead of time. That film was attended by all, and for the most part enjoyed by all as well, and the only backlash came as a result of overpraise and hype and things like it's Best Picture nomination (which is par for the course when a good but not great film gets nominated.) No sinister racism, sexism, (or any other -ist or -ism) at play whatsoever.

Because in all of the examples above from WW to BP to Alita the filmmakers just made fun popcorn movies featuring heroes that faced trials that made us root for them and not once did they vilify or demonize their own audiences. Huge difference between those films and Ghostbusters 2016/Captain Marvel. And it's far from a "small contingent of men" who are put off by the identity politics made front and center of the latter two films and shoved down our throats, plenty of women and POC have expressed their disdain for such an approach as well.

Exactly. :)

Terminator 2
Atomic Blond
Kill Bill
Laura Croft
Resident Evil
Wonder Woman

I don't recall people complaining about the strong female characters in that film.

Of all the films I would say that Ghostbuster got the most grief for having a female cast. But I think that the fans were more upset about the lack of a real sequel with the original cast then they were about it being all female leads. Then that Awful trailer dropped and soon after we find out its a reboot. That's when people really started to complain and that is when everyone started to blame the toxic males..

Here is an idea.. Shut up and make a good film. Best way to quiet the naysayers.

As for Captain Marvel there were no Naysayers with regards to it being a female led Superhero film.. The annoyance came with Brie and her toxic femininity :lol
So it safe to say that you know nothing about CM in the comics. But those of us who do are somehow being unfair stating our dislike of this character. Take your girls to see Alita if you haven’t already. She's a hero they can look up to.
...if you don't know if I've seen Alita (twice), I guess you haven't been going in the Alita thread much. Saw it opening weekend.

I guess those of us unfamiliar with these characters can enjoy these films in different ways than comic book readers.

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But it still does not explain why one persons comments or actions should turn you off to a film you have never seen? As stated before MANY worse statements as crimes have been committed by actors and directors folks on this very thread claim to love....yet those infractions never see the backlash these few statements have. Perhaps its due to social media not being as present as it is now, but I think its much more likely we gave them a pass on their issues, mainly because it didn’t bother us as white men...

There is truth here.

I think if Brie was more of an established commodity she would get more of a pass. Some actors behavior get a pass because we associate them more with the character then the actor.

Who the hell is Brie? Other then some Girl in a Room and a barley above Average Kong movie :lol

I try and ignore most of it because I couldn't enjoy a darn film if I let the political views of an actor or actress affect me.

Funny thing.. Ben Affleck said that he cant watch films with known conservative actors because he cant separate real life from what is on screen.
Whatever happened to just enjoying a movie without having to think about all this stuff?

Politics and sensitivity have made watching movies a chore for a lot of folks nowadays :lol

I'm hoping to see CM this weekend, all I want is a little bit of fun out of it!
For the people who care and most of us don't CM is sitting at 85% on RT with 101 reviews in. A fair spread of glowing, middle off the road, and rotten.
This is from a middle of the roader by CNN
"Captain Marvel" ultimately feels more obligatory than inspired, a movie that basically gets the job done and little more.

The one thing I noticed was that the Critics that didn’t like it, really didn't like it.
NY Post
“The character, even when kicking ass, is a total bore.”

So as of now it seems Wonder Women's and Ironman's 93% is safe. we shall see!
How can anybody be critiquing or getting worked up over the portrayal of a character that they haven't even seen yet?

If you want to get upset over her stupid words, feel free, I don't get worked up over stuff like that.

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Can I please get this moment in AEG?? So we can see who the strongest one really is :)

I really don't need to see Hulk beating up Carol.. But why does Hulk always gets screwed in these MCU movies :(



...if you don't know if I've seen Alita (twice), I guess you haven't been going in the Alita thread much. Saw it opening weekend.

I guess those of us unfamiliar with these characters can enjoy these films in different ways than comic book readers.

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And that's all that really counts my friend.
BTW looked at posts in the Alita threads, looks like you enjoyed as much as I did. Please post how you think the two films compare after you see CM. Enjoy.
I still don't fully understand the negativity surrounding this film. Sure, Cap Marvel has never been the greatest of characters, but if it looks good enough for you to see it, then see it. I'm going to IMAX this sunday to see it, as I do all the marvel films.

The problem is the controversial lead actress.
And that's all that really counts my friend.
BTW looked at posts in the Alita threads, looks like you enjoyed as much as I did. Please post how you think the two films compare after you see CM. Enjoy.
I doubt much will compare to Alita, it's literally my favorite film in many years.

Glad you liked it, it needs to succeed , I want more.

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I promise I won't make it a habit like some ex-members who took it to excess - but this video was hilarious

Holy crap the footage he selected to accompany his commentary had me literally laughing out loud. :lol :lol

"We didn't even have any black superheroes back then, dark times indeed," lol.