This is the best response I have read on the topic.
Khev as well....
But, I think you may be underestimating a great deal of people whom claim a problem with the film. I doubt most of them could put into words as you did why they are offended, mostly because its not the same reasons.
But it still does not explain why one persons comments or actions should turn you off to a film you have never seen? As stated before MANY worse statements as crimes have been committed by actors and directors folks on this very thread claim to love....yet those infractions never see the backlash these few statements have. Perhaps its due to social media not being as present as it is now, but I think its much more likely we gave them a pass on their issues, mainly because it didn’t bother us as white men...
Why no outrage/boycott on this?
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
So we should have boycotted all Jane Fonda movies because of this.


Ryan Reynolds for this!