If CM doesn't ruin AEG then Brie's stupid antics will be a small footnote in the grand 11 year achievement that is the MCU. It'll all come down to AEG for me.
I just want Thanos to knock her right on her flat ass! Is that wrong?
If CM doesn't ruin AEG then Brie's stupid antics will be a small footnote in the grand 11 year achievement that is the MCU. It'll all come down to AEG for me.
But you do understand that the past has bearing on the present, right?
There is a point to all this
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There seems to be a small contingent of men who see diversity as a threat to something....not sure what? They jump on any comment that they feel is against white men, and then dislike anything associated with the person who said it...
It even seems to happen before they can honestly make much of a real informed opinion, since its mostly based on a single comment or two from a single person in an ensemble of hundreds, on something they have not even seen.
You can usually tell then from the following being used over and over in their posts...
SJW, Virtue Signaling, liberal, forced diversity, Mary Sue (films have had this forever) ..
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
I'm laughing!What a well thought out response.....
Worthy of the child in that gif.....
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
There seems to be a small contingent of men who see diversity as a threat to something....not sure what? They jump on any comment that they feel is against white men, and then dislike anything associated with the person who said it...
It even seems to happen before they can honestly make much of a real informed opinion, since its mostly based on a single comment or two from a single person in an ensemble of hundreds, on something they have not even seen.
You can usually tell then from the following being used over and over in their posts...
SJW, Virtue Signaling, liberal, forced diversity, Mary Sue (films have had this forever) ..
There seems to be a small contingent of men who see diversity as a threat to something....not sure what? They jump on any comment that they feel is against white men, and then dislike anything associated with the person who said it...
It even seems to happen before they can honestly make much of a real informed opinion, since its mostly based on a single comment or two from a single person in an ensemble of hundreds, on something they have not even seen.
You can usually tell then from the following being used over and over in their posts...
SJW, Virtue Signaling, liberal, forced diversity, Mary Sue (films have had this forever) ..
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
: Exactly
There’s also this on the same subject:
View attachment 446612
Which kind of flies in the face of her previous point about the guy complimenting her in the gym, when she walks around with this mindset where she’s sizing up who she can toss around.
Let me also add I do jiu jitsu(which is basically a more ground oriented version of judo) and Muay Thai, and I’ve never walked around thinking about how I could toss or strike someone else.
She’s basically the female version of that old school toxic male, or trying to be anyway - which is probably why she has such an inferiority complex about it.
It also just occurred to me that she should be referred to as ‘The Toxic Avenger’![]()
It also just occurred to me that she should be referred to as ‘The Toxic Avenger’![]()
Now, now, that's the sweeping manufactured narrative of SJW's my friend and it's very easy to refute (and has been done so countless times.) No one has had a problem with any other MCU female, Wonder Woman, the new Alicia Vikander Lara Croft, or Alita who's in theaters right now (and played by a hispanic actress.) "White males" have loved those characters and rallied around their success.
I also don't recall one single evil white male ever announcing that he'd be skipping Black Panther ahead of time. That film was attended by all, and for the most part enjoyed by all as well, and the only backlash came as a result of overpraise and hype and things like it's Best Picture nomination (which is par for the course when a good but not great film gets nominated.) No sinister racism, sexism, (or any other -ist or -ism) at play whatsoever.
Because in all of the examples above from WW to BP to Alita the filmmakers just made fun popcorn movies featuring heroes that faced trials that made us root for them and not once did they vilify or demonize their own audiences. Huge difference between those films and Ghostbusters 2016/Captain Marvel. And it's far from a "small contingent of men" who are put off by the identity politics made front and center of the latter two films and shoved down our throats, plenty of women and POC have expressed their disdain for such an approach as well.
Everyone laughed at Kevin Feige in 2008 when Paramount released IM and he said "I'm gonna build a yuge connected universe and Disney is gonna pay for it!"
Funniest thing I've read all day!
I still don't fully understand the negativity surrounding this film. Sure, Cap Marvel has never been the greatest of characters, but if it looks good enough for you to see it, then see it. I'm going to IMAX this sunday to see it, as I do all the marvel films.
So tense and exciting, lol.
Everyone laughed at Kevin Feige in 2008 when Paramount released IM and he said "I'm gonna build a yuge connected universe and Disney is gonna pay for it!"
Also high fivefor posting basically the exact same thing as me at the same time, citing many of the same examples too (though more concise)
I honestly wouldn't know, I've never read a marvel comic in my whole life. Well, I did read star wars comics as a kid, but that's pretty much it.
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See, you completely misunderstand the whole situation as usual. It has nothing to do with white men. It has to do with racism and discrimination. Look at my avatar and sig. It's a woman! And before that I had Jyn Erso and Gamora in both spots. I'm not white myself. I loved Alita, and I liked Wonder Woman, though it was flawed. And those are just recent examples without going back to the classics like Ripley/Connor/Leia et al. RO is my favorite of the new SW movies, and it was by far the most diverse, so that argument is shot down too.
As to Brie's comments being racist, luckily, there's a very simple test for racism, in which all one has to do is 'reverse the polarities,' so to speak.
'I don’t need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work about A Wrinkle in Time. It wasn’t made for him! I want to know what it meant to women of -color, biracial women, to teen women of color.'
Now imagine Ian McKellan said this about LOTR:
'I don't need a 25 year old black chick to tell me what didn't work about The Lord of the Rings. It wasn't made for her! I want to know what it meant to brown or blonde haired blue or green eyed men.'
Then repeat how you're not saying you hate black women 3 times.
'It turned out my days in hollywood were overwhelmingly jewish. I went to the inclusivity institute and found they account for 70% of the brass in hollywood, and that doesn't represent the general populace. Going forward, I will be working with less jews.'
These statements are overwhelmingly racist the moment you change the race. They also don't take into account who worked how hard for the position, and don't mention that if one race represents 77% of the people in america while another represents 13%, of course the numbers will be skewed.
The other problem with this mode of thought is that you're making it so that a certain type of media is only for a certain type of person, which is a really backwards way of thinking, akin to segregation, and hypocritically enough, the complete opposite of 'inclusion.'
It's also ridiculous to think I can't relate to the characters in LOTR or Alita because I'm not of that race or of that sex.
Stop making disingenuous arguments and barely veiled insults at those who have differing opinions than you, everyone sees right through it.