Catwoman and Bane confirmed for TDK Rises!!!

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:lecture :lol

Megan Fox, with Michael Caine, Christain Bale, and Morgan Freeman. The only way that should go down is if she's serving drinks.

Or lapdancing for them between takes.

Especially for the old guys. They deserve that treatment on set for their amazing careers. Perks baby, perks!:lol
I honestly belive when a director is about to cast Megan Fox, he should have to take a moment, go in his trailer, and rub one out.

If he still thinks its a good decision afterwards go for it.
I prefer Eva Green to play as Selina Kyle.

why do you clowns still doubt nolan? you are the same buffoons who were crying about ledger playing joker a couple years ago. stop spazzing and give the man a chance to justify his casting decisions by revealing a masterpiece of a batman movie in a year and a half. im sure he realized his mistake in miscasting a female role when he used katie holmes before.
Cant wait for all the crying about the casting to turn into cheers of Nolans directing Godhood when its released.

And then the flood of $800 custom Hardy heads :cool:
Anne Hathaway as catwoman?

I'm sorry but to me that's a poor casting choice.

She has this old, wrinkled granny vibe to me, especially when she smiles. She would be the last person I would think of as a catwoman. Pfiffer was perfect; thin, and proportionally fit for catwoman, she has a pointy and sharp facial features too, which compliments her role.

I'd say my best pic of today's actress would be Megan Fox.

hmmm I think Nolan is definately going for the non cliché choises here...

Megan Fox, Mila whats her name from that '70 show...all those girls are good for a mindless popcorn action movie at first sight.
But if you want a bit more depth, I would say Nolan made a good choice with Anne Hathaway.
Didnt Nolan always do a good job in his casting so far? Okay there might be some discussion about the Rachel actresses, but other than that...

I trust in Nolan's non obvious choise for the Catwoman character.
I prefer Eva Green to play as Selina Kyle.


Of all the bad reception Anne Hathaway already has to swallow, this is the only one i actually can understand :)
Eva Green also has something classy about her, she is sexy + comes over smart, so there is certainly some depth she could add.

I mean, c'mon this is a classic scene to me:
For me this is differant then the Heath Ledger thing, in that I'm not worried about Anne, some are, I'm not worried about Tom, I'm worried about Bane, not the casting but the character himself.

Heath was a strange choice but at the end of the day, he was playing a character that was already an icon for 40 years.

By comparison most know Bane from Batman & Robin and nothing else.

Chris said he didn't want to make this movie, I wouldn't be suprised if his brother talked him into it with his script, so its more like in Jonathan Nolan we have to trust this time guys. Hell maybe it will work out and we could even get future Batman flicks continuing this story directed by Jon Nolan but right now they have alot to live upto.

And of course I think its a safe bet, no matter how well Bane is handled, he isn't coming near Ledger's Joker. At the same time, I see that RIddler would have been too similar too soon, and can understand wanting to go differant.
haha this is amazing, people actually think nolan doesnt know what hes doing... has he let you down in the previous 2 films? nope.

someone please link me to the thread where everyone was crying about heath as joker, that would be some good reading!
For me this is differant then the Heath Ledger thing, in that I'm not worried about Anne, some are, I'm not worried about Tom, I'm worried about Bane, not the casting but the character himself.

Heath was a strange choice but at the end of the day, he was playing a character that was already an icon for 40 years.

By comparison most know Bane from Batman & Robin and nothing else.

Chris said he didn't want to make this movie, I wouldn't be suprised if his brother talked him into it with his script, so its more like in Jonathan Nolan we have to trust this time guys. Hell maybe it will work out and we could even get future Batman flicks continuing this story directed by Jon Nolan but right now they have alot to live upto.

yes you are correct, however, in Batman & Robin the character was so badly developed, so badly played, "it" didn't even speak in full sentences, in short it was so badly in every single aspect, that any later portrayal would only be an improvement :)

so in the end, it can only get positive if you compare it with the last movie portrayal :)
Green would have been a great choice as well.

I like the casting choices. Two characters attractive enough for leading roles for a summer blockbuster (since that is what some people will consider the most important criteria), but at their core is serious acting skill. Granted, sex appeal might not be a necessary selling point for Bane, but it can't hurt while promoting the movie.

Even if I was iffy about it, I could just tell myself, "You thought he was insane for casting Ledger."

Bane just isn't as weird a choice as a lot of people are making it out to be. Two Face and the Riddler were both, let's just say, not well represented in Forever. Yet Both of them either did or were expected to have a role in Nolanverse. I don't think people will have a problem rebooting what they know about him from B&R. That's IF they even know about him. Many people, myself included, wisely knew to not even watch that movie.
I know most people thought Nolan made a mistake casting Katie and I'm probably in the minority here but I thought Katie Holmes was a much better Rachel. She just got the bad rap cause it was the height of the whole TomKat fiasco in the tabloids and looking at the A-list of actors in BB, true she was the weaker link, but that doesnt mean she was bad.

When I first heard that Maggie was replacing her character, I was excited as I thought she would indeed be a better actress but I didnt care for her portayal as Rachel, she came off as a snobby high class lawyer. The scene were she dies was supposed to be a heartbreaking scene, Usually that's the case when one of the main character's dies but I felt nothing for it. I think I would have though if it was Katie.
She had some powerful scenes in BB, like when she slaps Bruce in the car and told him his father would be ashamed of him...That was a great scene. I like the scene also when Bruce was leaving with the 2 drunk women and he's trying to explain to Rachel that he's really not like this, you feel bad for Bruce and kinda makes you feel like he can really tell her who he is.

But I think because of the TomKat in the tabloids constantly at the time, people got sick and tired of seeing her and Tom cruise all over the news.
I know most people thought Nolan made a mistake casting Katie and I'm probably in the minority here but I thought Katie Holmes was a much better Rachel. She just got the bad rap cause it was the height of the whole TomKat fiasco in the tabloids and looking at the A-list of actors in BB, true she was the weaker link, but that doesnt mean she was bad.

When I first heard that Maggie was replacing her character, I was excited as I thought she would indeed be a better actress but I didnt care for her portayal as Rachel, she came off as a snobby high class lawyer. The scene were she dies was supposed to be a heartbreaking scene, Usually that's the case when one of the main character's dies but I felt nothing for it. I think I would have though if it was Katie.
She had some powerful scenes in BB, like when she slaps Bruce in the car and told him his father would be ashamed of him...That was a great scene. I like the scene also when Bruce was leaving with the 2 drunk women and he's trying to explain to Rachel that he's really not like this, you feel bad for Bruce and kinda makes you feel like he can really tell her who he is.

But I think because of the TomKat in the tabloids constantly at the time, people got sick and tired of seeing her and Tom cruise all over the news.

I agree about the Katie Holmes thing (its off topic though)
Dont quite understand the negative reviews and the razzie nomination she got.
I know most people thought Nolan made a mistake casting Katie and I'm probably in the minority here but I thought Katie Holmes was a much better Rachel. She just got the bad rap cause it was the height of the whole TomKat fiasco in the tabloids and looking at the A-list of actors in BB, true she was the weaker link, but that doesnt mean she was bad.

When I first heard that Maggie was replacing her character, I was excited as I thought she would indeed be a better actress but I didnt care for her portayal as Rachel, she came off as a snobby high class lawyer. The scene were she dies was supposed to be a heartbreaking scene, Usually that's the case when one of the main character's dies but I felt nothing for it. I think I would have though if it was Katie.
She had some powerful scenes in BB, like when she slaps Bruce in the car and told him his father would be ashamed of him...That was a great scene. I like the scene also when Bruce was leaving with the 2 drunk women and he's trying to explain to Rachel that he's really not like this, you feel bad for Bruce and kinda makes you feel like he can really tell her who he is.

But I think because of the TomKat in the tabloids constantly at the time, people got sick and tired of seeing her and Tom cruise all over the news.

I can't stand Holmes (even more so nowadays) but Maggie was useless as well, when I saw the movie in the cinema, everyone cheered and laughed at her pathetic death scene.
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