Catwoman and Bane confirmed for TDK Rises!!!

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I don't get the hype around Mila Kunis....cute but definitely not the freakout some make over her. Always thought she was the poor man's Rachel Bilson and Bilson isn't higher than a 8.

I'd say Hathaway is a 7 and Kunis a 8.
Hathaway is by far the hotter of the two. Kunis is very attractive, but looks like she gets carded every time she buys beer. Hathaway is clearly coming into her own as a female lead, not an ingenue.

Remember, Nolan screen-tested all the potentials, and clearly he saw something in her, just as he saw something in Ledger.
I'll take the chick that has to get carded.

Nolan did score well with Ledger, and I was good with that choice from the start. But he was sure wrong with Maggie Gyllenhaal.
I'll take the chick that has to get carded.

Nolan did score well with Ledger, and I was good with that choice from the start. But he was sure wrong with Maggie Gyllenhaal.

And Katie Holmes. Nolan is not perfect and one of these days In Nolan We Trust is going to backfire. Eventually everyone makes a bomb.
I'll take the chick that has to get carded.

Nolan did score well with Ledger, and I was good with that choice from the start. But he was sure wrong with Maggie Gyllenhaal.

I had a hard time believing Wayne and Dent would be fighting for her too.
She's a decent actress but by no means a Wayne calibur babe.
always thought kunis is overrated, yeah surely shes hot but i can't get the kelso's "dumb girlfriend" image out of my head.. and if you notice when shes acting she does this little thing where she tilts her head and opens her eyes wide.. very annoying.
I love Anne Hathaway...Havoc :drools

Hopefully we see a montage in the beginning where Bane breaks Batman and Jean Paul Valley donning the Azbats costume takes on Bane wins and goes psycho. Wayne then tries to stop him to regain the cowl. Basically Knightfall to Knightsend in 2 1/2 hours
Nolan is the man and he was bashed in the last flick for his casting...that turned out well, cant judge till we see the final product.
Movies have tried endlessly to make Hathaway appear sexy and mature and it rarely works. She generally comes off as a petulant spoiled entitled know-it-all 20-something brat or irritating teen queen who's huge face takes up half the screen. Selina is sex appeal personified without even trying. Give Hathaway the lead in Mean Girls 3 or some other romantic comedy I'd never see. Yeesh. I am not a fan of this actress.

than a simple message for you: don't go watch the movie when it gets released and go cry in a corner all alone when she gets credit for her portrayal as catwoman. Simple as that.
If Hathaway cast off the mousiness completely, I bet she could be a great Catwoman. But, if they go the Pfeiffer route, they will blaspheme the character (again), and fall prey to the most obvious (and predictable) flaws in Hathaway's acting persona.

I expect neither. Very excited to see what's in store.
I'm just pleased they went with Catwoman.
With all the recent news and rumors I was fully preparing myself for her to not be in the film and for Talia to be the main female character.
I suppose there's still a chance Talia could be in since Nolan was looking for 2 female leads. Maybe she could have a connection to Bane....

I can't wait to see what they cook up for Selina though - will be cool to see a more modern take on her costume. I can imagine something like the Arkham City costume working quite well on film.
I dont even want to hazard a guess for what they're going to come up with for Bane though since no doubt it will be something no one could predict. I have faith that it will be awesome though!
I cant say much Ill wait to see some leaked pics of Bane and Catwoman first... Is a laugh to read all you people crying about choices the same way you did about Heath and we all know how that story ended...
I ____ing knew it bane was going to be in this movie.
I called it 2 years ago.

WOOOT !!! Noland is the man.
this is going to be one hell of a movie.

even called it on one my youtube videos in december
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anne hathaway?? seriously? bloody bollocks.

while i was hoping for riddler initially, i'm glad they've gone for bane. that'll make the rogue's gallery members in the 3 films quite different. i think riddler would have played out too much like the joker. and if nolan follows certain elements of knightfall, should be cool.

shouldn't this be in the movies section though? just saying. some people don't want to know absolutely ANYTHING about the movie. just for them.
From a comment on an article I read on the internets:

In Batman: Dark Victory (which follows The Long Halloween, from which The Dark Knight took several cues) Selina Kyle is revealed to likely be the illegitimate daughter of Carmine Falcone. Dark Victory also opens with Batman brooding about how he failed to prevent Harvey Dent turning into Two Face. Couple that with Bane becoming a member of the League of Assassins and R'as Al Ghul's new right hand man in "Bane of the Demon" (they team up to unleash a plague on Gotham - sound familiar?) and Nolan's decisions begin to make more sense in terms of tying up his supposed trilogy.

Very good points and would be really cool to see the whole trilogy tie up neatly somewhat along those lines
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