Catwoman and Bane confirmed for TDK Rises!!!

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I can see the viral campaigns, teaser posters, miliseconds of footage, fanmade posters and artwork from here...can't wait!
From a comment on an article I read on the internets:

In Batman: Dark Victory (which follows The Long Halloween, from which The Dark Knight took several cues) Selina Kyle is revealed to likely be the illegitimate daughter of Carmine Falcone. Dark Victory also opens with Batman brooding about how he failed to prevent Harvey Dent turning into Two Face. Couple that with Bane becoming a member of the League of Assassins and R'as Al Ghul's new right hand man in "Bane of the Demon" (they team up to unleash a plague on Gotham - sound familiar?) and Nolan's decisions begin to make more sense in terms of tying up his supposed trilogy.

Very good points and would be really cool to see the whole trilogy tie up neatly somewhat along those lines

thx for the info, that looks like a nice trilogy ending to me too
At the risk of offending folks who think the Lazarus Pit idea is too unbelievable in a world where guy in bat-suit that drives a tank and flies off of buildings chases around various villains wearing Halloween outfits, I think bringing Ra's back would be nifty.

As for the female casting, are there really much better options than this chick?
From a comment on an article I read on the internets:

In Batman: Dark Victory (which follows The Long Halloween, from which The Dark Knight took several cues) Selina Kyle is revealed to likely be the illegitimate daughter of Carmine Falcone. Dark Victory also opens with Batman brooding about how he failed to prevent Harvey Dent turning into Two Face. Couple that with Bane becoming a member of the League of Assassins and R'as Al Ghul's new right hand man in "Bane of the Demon" (they team up to unleash a plague on Gotham - sound familiar?) and Nolan's decisions begin to make more sense in terms of tying up his supposed trilogy.

Very good points and would be really cool to see the whole trilogy tie up neatly somewhat along those lines

this seems most likely. and couple that with the introduction of TALIA, and im very happy. sounds awesome.
First Katie Holmes, then Maggie Gyllenhaal...and now...great another languid looking girl, playing Catwoman no less!

Nolan may make movie masterpieces but doesn't have any taste in women
OK. So who should he have chosen? Scarlett Johannsen? Steven Tyler's daughter? Natalie Portman? Olivia Munn? One of the porno stars in the Mike's signatures? Julia Roberts?
"Oliva Munn *sniffle*, I've always *sniffle* dreamed about her *sniffle* playing Catwoman *sniffle*. I wanted *sniffle* to see the *sniffle* *sniffle* review of her reviewing the *sniffle* The Dark Knight Rises video game in Catwoman *sniffle* *sniffle* *sniffle* costume.


*inhales asthma puffer*

*pushes glasses up*

*goes upstairs to wipe moms butt*
No Megan Fox?:huh

Its a chris nolan film, not a brainless cgi Michael Bay "movie"

Leave the brainless babes for the brainless moviegoers that want to see easy digestible films with tanned babes.

Anne is a good choice, so would have been Eva Green.
Imo, Scarlett too
At the risk of offending folks who think the Lazarus Pit idea is too unbelievable in a world where guy in bat-suit that drives a tank and flies off of buildings chases around various villains wearing Halloween outfits, I think bringing Ra's back would be nifty.

As for the female casting, are there really much better options than this chick?

Well we never actually see him die in Begins. He closes his eyes and then the train crashes. Having the same if not superior skill than Batman, he could have escaped.
No Megan Fox?:huh

Funny thing is that she would be my top choice but I wanted to avoid the controversy :lol.

I know everybody hates her (though I really don't understand the reason), and if she didn't have that public image created by a poor filmography, I am sure she could have been a perfect 2010s Catwoman.
Funny thing is that she would be my top choice but I wanted to avoid the controversy :lol.

I know everybody hates her (though I really don't understand the reason), and if she didn't have that public image created by a poor filmography, I am sure she could have been a perfect 2010s Catwoman.

don't understand the reason? how about this: the poor filmography you bring up yourself, she must have a poor filmography for a reason.
Not me. If there was ever an actress set up to play Ra's Al Ghul's daughter Talia it's Eva Green. Even pairing her with Liam Neeson as her father would be spectacular.

Could not agree more.

Still on a high with the casting as I've had a crush on Anne for years. Just wasn't expecting Bane. Just so happy to see a villain that can go toe to toe with Bats.
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