Catwoman Bootleg Coming (Returns not Halle)

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Its an odd situation to say the least...

Odd... I got the Bros Production Batty from them and it was great. No missing accessories and the figure was clearly their work and not a recast or substitute figure.


It;s hard to tell from your picture but I have a feeling it IS a knock off. I;d have to see it in natural light and I could snap pics at the one at the store by me but it looks to me at least in that pic that the paint job on the head is way more inferior to the actual thing, I looked at tthis in person yesterday. This is the same thing that happened to both Collateral and Taxi driver with me. Head was the same but casted in slightly cheaper plastic, and paint job was drastically different.
Did you guys ask for a refund or still waiting? Any word on the seller?
I asked one time and my seller said almost done. Just waiting on copyright issue with customs. That was jul 30. I asked again not too long ago and didn't get a response this time. I'm curious if you guys heard anything cause I'm almost at the point that next time I ask, it'll be for a refund. I want to wait cause the figure looks nice but it seems like It's in limbo ATM.
Did you guys ask for a refund or still waiting? Any word on the seller?
I asked one time and my seller said almost done. Just waiting on copyright issue with customs. That was jul 30. I asked again not too long ago and didn't get a response this time. I'm curious if you guys heard anything cause I'm almost at the point that next time I ask, it'll be for a refund. I want to wait cause the figure looks nice but it seems like It's in limbo ATM.

If you are talking Storerooms, I had to ask for a refund which they did without any problem. If this is ever released, I am not too worried about missing out.
Just waiting on copyright issue with customs. That was jul 30. I asked again not too long ago and didn't get a response this time.

That's weird - I don't think customs has anything to do with copyright issues (and this is a bootleg, so even if they did get involved with copyright stuff, that'd be a real bad sign!).
That's weird - I don't think customs has anything to do with copyright issues (and this is a bootleg, so even if they did get involved with copyright stuff, that'd be a real bad sign!).

Exactly. That's what I'm thinking. That's a bogus excuse. I seriously want to be patient. I want this figure. It's just that I can smell bogus when I hear/ read it and it is not helping.
Well I did hear from my seller. Arg!!! I guess I will wait some more. I do want the figure, it does look impressive so I'll guess I'll just be more patient.
Ah. Good enough for me. Still not canceling my order. I may contact my seller again though...
Again... I waited half a year past announce release date for Taxi Drivr by Brother Productions. I don't know who did this but im betting it will still come out

Agreed, I'm not stranger to delays. I wouldn't have asked for the refund, but since the offered I figured it might be a sign.

Still... I'll keep my eyes open and hope it sees production.
Know one knows who makes it. It's a custom.

I think it was supposed to come out in June. :(