Aww shucks. Thanks for the love fellas. Whazzzzup.
Long story.....long. I've had a bit o' bad luck in the financial dept., mostly of my own doing (no will power to say "no", you see), some of it-older house doing. So 99% of SS had to go to pay back Peter AND Paul, whom I both robbed blind cause my action figure/dolly collection/work shop was growing faster than my allowance. Yeah, I'm THAT guy. Probably would explain why I'm driving a Stratus instead of that Ferrari 308 I always wanted. No worries, the kiddies can still go to college, we're not eating porrage, no 12 step program. I just needed a
little self-imposed gut-check. Anywho, I hesitated to post because so many of our fellow Freaks have had real legitimate issues, health and money, and I just felt weird about it. I've been lurking the whole time though (like a never saw or heard me). I decided my embarrassment can be a lesson to somebody, so I guess here I am again, slowly re-acquiring things (and I mean slowwwwwly

). Luke and Leia are back, and my re-do's of Biggs and Fixer are coming along better than before. I'm psyched to get my toes wet again, at a more reasonable pace this time! For starters, I'm leaning towards making another Death Star doorway, for Stormtroopers. I think they'd look pretty sweet next to the Luke/Leia piece. Love that shot on the vintage Kenner cardback.
So, sorry for the hijack mate. Carry on, oh master of the background characters
And Dormal, YOU can carry on on my Landspeeder, you know, whenever you can

Darth I'mstillPoor