PosterBoyKelly said:I thought the same thing, hence the time in between deaths. He did her outa no where, than tried to live with it for a day ro 2 and than just killed his son and himself as an alternative to turning himself in.
Agree 100%.
PosterBoyKelly said:I thought the same thing, hence the time in between deaths. He did her outa no where, than tried to live with it for a day ro 2 and than just killed his son and himself as an alternative to turning himself in.
pixletwin said:Agree 100%.
BadMoon said:Tell that to his wife and child.
lcummins said:Actually, until the full story is known, I don't see how anyone can condemn or praise the man. It may be he was literally "out of his mind" because of mental illness, drugs or whatever, if he even did it. He may not even have known what he was doing when/if he killed his wife and son, and when/if he realized it, took his own life because he couldn't live with the knowledge of what he did/might have done. If he did do it, and mental illness was involved, I don't think he should be condemned and hated. Why not just express your sorrow at the events and leave it at that until the final story is told.![]()
DarkArtist81 said:This is such a messed up and tragic story that it's almost hard to imagine.
Well the only reason Hart had the strokes was because of the concussion he received from the big idiot Bill Goldberg. Goldberg stiffed kicked him and basically ended his career with one kick. It is really sad that he had to quite because of an injury while during his whole career he never injured one wrestler.Bannister said:I know that concussions are what ended Hart's career, but weren't the strokes due to a motorcycle accident he had?
woodsy said:Well said. I don't have a clue as to what precipitated this tragic event, nor do I know what Benoit's mental state was this weekend [if anyone does, please feel free to share it with the rest of us, but please enough with the speculation already!], but I can say with a fair amount of certainty these were not the actions of a mentally stable, sane mind. I do not know if he was suffering from severe depression, some form of psychosis, temporary insanity, etc..., but for some reason he snapped.
There was a time when my first reaction would have been one of indignant anger, followed closely by judgement. But having a wife who has worked as a RN at a mental health hospital for the last 20 years has certainly changed my perspective over the years. These places are filled with individuals who at some point in their lives "snapped". For the most part they were people like you and I who, due to circumstances usually outside of their control, can no longer cope with reality. These people's lives [and those of their loved one's] are changed forever, and the effect's can be devastating.
I am certainly not condoning Chris Benoit's actions. As a father of 3 including a son who is almost 7 himself, I can't even begin to understand how anyone could kill his own child. But while I cannot understand it, nor have I walked a mile in his shoes either.
Instead of lashing out I will think about, and pray for all the loved ones left behind, including Benoit's other two children. I will thank GOD for my own health, both physical and mental. I will refrain from passing judgement as I do not know the facts, and even if I did, what purpose would that serve?![]()
Seth Gecko said:Sad!
If i was a betting man my money would have to go on roid-rage.(and that is not even a "good" excuse) said:WWE® Shocked At Latest Developments In Benoit Tragedy, Concerned By Sensationalistic Reporting
Written: June 26, 2007
STAMFORD, Conn., June 26, 2007 – World Wrestling Entertainment is stunned and saddened by the details released by local authorities concerning the double homicide-suicide involving Chris Benoit, his wife, Nancy, and his son, Daniel.
However, WWE is concerned with the sensationalistic reporting and speculation being undertaken by some members of the media following the press conference held by the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department and the District Attorney. During the press conference, the investigating authorities made the following points, all of which run contrary to the media speculation that "roid rage" was a factor in the senseless murders and suicide:
1. The authorities stated that all drugs found in the house were believed to be legal prescriptions.
2. Steroids were not, and could not, be related to the cause of death (asphyxiation). Authorities had no factual basis to speculate as to Benoit’s state of mind, and rightly did not do so.
3. Toxicology tests have not even been completed, so there is no current evidence that Benoit even had steroids or any other substance in his body. In that regard, on the last test done on Benoit by WWE's independently administered drug testing program, done on April 10, 2007, Benoit tested negative.
4. The physical findings announced by authorities indicate deliberation, not rage. The wife's feet and hands were bound and she was asphyxiated, not beaten to death. By the account of the authorities, there were substantial periods of time between the death of the wife and the death of the son, again suggesting deliberate thought, not rage. The presence of a Bible by each is also not an act of rage.
5. WWE strongly suggests that it is entirely wrong for speculators to suggest that steroids had anything to do with these senseless acts, especially when the authorities plainly stated there is no evidence that Benoit had steroids in his body, pending the toxicological reports, and that they had no evidence at this time as to the motive for these acts.
WWE is continuing to monitor the ongoing investigation being conducted by local authorities.
Vince does seem to like to push the idea of the only way to get a push in the WWE is to be a muscular big man.PosterBoyKelly said:I kinda hope they find someway to link the roids to WWE. Well, I guess ONLY if they're really linked to WWE, but I've heard lots of rumors of Vince pushing it on the guys.
By: Bob Ryder
6/26/2007 7:01:25 PM
The story keeps getting more and more bizarre. In an interview with, District Attorney Scott Ballard reveals needle marks were found on the arms of Daniel Benoit and he had been injected with growth hormones because "the family considered him undersized".