Super Freak
Any news on the David hs? and maybe the Res Evil hs? I would love to know anything. 
I just would ike to have an idea what is up on the projects as far as whats done, whats almost done. stuff like that. I dont mind waiting but the res hs is going on 10 months now and I have no Idea if its even started.Im not mad, just would like to know.
Chris has 3 years worth of work booked in 9 months.
3 years worth of work doesn't mean he can take 3 years to release them altogether... wouldn't you expect the work he took to be finish chronologically?
exactly ... and thats why i dont know why we have these debates... WE THE CUSTOMERS ARE NOT WRONG! CHRIS IS!
Thats not what I was saying at all. I'm not defending him or attacking him, just dealing with the reality of the situation.
1) He shouldn't have taken nearly this many projects.
2) He should have completed them and delivered.
3) He should be keeping people updated.
I do however think its ridiculous for people to be SHOCKED that this happened.
I also know that once the some of these heads arrive, people are going to feel reassured until the next wave and so on and so on. I wouldn't be surprised that after the Cameron/River and House sculpts are received that people start even more Chris Howes' wish list threads.
I would just like a reply to my email or an update here on the forum as to the progress of the headsculpts. Im fine with the time it takes to do the job. I would just like to know how much more time that is. again, Im Not angry, but as a customer I want to know were things sit.
I have to agree some of the people who have been waiting awhile for there commissions really need some answers however (im not speaking for Chris) but maybe he isnt giving refunds because he has already started the work. I now alot of artist that would not give a refund because they are well into the projects.
I never want to force anyone! Hopefully it won't be an issue.
Check out my website, read my interview and look at my Joker heads painted by Kuato to see the kind of quality I bring and to learn a bit about me, your humble sculptor...
Hopefully you'll see you can commit with confidence. I always post WIP photos and ask for input..... and I actually listen! If you see the end result and say, "what a piece of crap!" I won't hold you to your commitment. So, worry not, my friend.