Chris Howes' Sculptural Creations

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I think that makes a lot of sense. I understand the frustration here, but if we crucify him, it just makes it less likely that he'll come back. I haven't given up hope yet.

That would destroy his career, taking according to some, thousands of dollars from folks here and never responding. I'm sure that magazine he had an interview in would love a follow up story like that.

We don't have to blindy praise him to get what was paid for, thats fear mongering and BS.

No ones nailing anyone to a cross. He simply needs to address how he plans on sculpting over 30 heads and in what order, and all this ^^^^^ing wouldn't be happening. Just prove you even know how much ^^^^ you agreed to do at the very least.

He created this problem, and HE is just as responisble for perpetuating it further as anyone else.

Trying to silence people who've been ripped off by threatening them, real cool, real stand up.
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I have to agree some of the people who have been waiting awhile for there commissions really need some answers however (im not speaking for Chris) but maybe he isnt giving refunds because he has already started the work. I now alot of artist that would not give a refund because they are well into the projects.

This is looking more and more like the Andgor situation all over again. After talking to a few artist who worked for them this is exactly what happened with them. A panic got started on line because a few people had ask for refunds and didn't get them right away. Work had already been started on several of those projects. Two of the sculptors still have 12 to 15 heads in their studio that were fully or partially sculpted but never completed because the orders were canceled. Sounds like Chris is in the same boat. Celebrity heads are much easier to recoup lost orders on than regular people customs. Chris would be going a LONG way twords repairing his reputation here by at least refunding all who ask for one. Then sort out the rest with those willing to wait. I hope it works out as I enjoy seeing a variety of custom heads to chose from. I would hate for artist to shy away from creating custom heads because of the backlash here.
That would destroy his career, taking according to some, thousands of dollars from folks here and never responding. I'm sure that magazine he had an interview in would love a follow up story like that.

We don't have to blindy praise him to get what was paid for, thats fear mongering and BS.

No ones nailing anyone to a cross. He simply needs to address how he plans on sculpting over 30 heads and in what order, and all this ^^^^^ing wouldn't be happening. Just prove you even know how much ^^^^ you agreed to do at the very least.

He created this problem, and HE is just as responisble for perpetuating it further as anyone else.

Trying to silence people who've been ripped off by threatening them, real cool, real stand up.

WTF are you talking about? I'm not defending him or trying to silence anyone. I'm just saying that there are ways of dealing with this problem that don't entail people making veiled threats against the guy. I've given him $80, and I either want the heads I was promised or I want my money back. What I don't want is this to turn into a lynch mob, since that will just make things worse.
Chris would be going a LONG way twords repairing his reputation here by at least refunding all who ask for one. Then sort out the rest with those willing to wait. I hope it works out as I enjoy seeing a variety of custom heads to chose from. I would hate for artist to shy away from creating custom heads because of the backlash here.

I agree with you entirely. It would be very easy for Chris to take a quick two hour period and post an update on the projects and refund the relatively few people who want them. Until this began to hit the fan, I would not have ruled out purchasing some of his future productions. Hell, I still wouldn't rule it out if he'd just make things right here, and be a little more contrite and a little less "important" acting. This is a forgiving bunch if you're just a straight shooter with them. A little TLC on all this would go a long way, but his last brief visit came off as snide and resentful. I think most all of us here are calm, decent people that would allow a lot more leeway with just decent updating now and then. This is a good community, not a den of wolves, and we deserve to be treated decently. I think all of this would have spun out of control a lot faster in a lot of other online communities I can think of. I actually think besides buying too much, :D this group has pretty good self-control. The thing is, no one that pays money wants to be ignored, and they shouldn't be.

Chris, you are bound to be reading this stuff. I'm a graphic artist, the same age as you, actually, and I know that it is easy to bite off too much and be overwhelmed. Just try to organize it, and keep the lines of communication open. That's all it takes.

I was interested in this sculpt, but after what has gone on, screw that.

It's was estimated that he took over $11,000 in money from people and no one has received anything from him.

He should have used some of that money for supplies and shipping......


I'm sure he had most of the sculpting material on hand already. He's prolly taken the money and run.
Wow, tis a shame I was actually considering getting 1/6 heads from him eventually but it seems like intended or not he's overwhelmed himself with too many projects and orders.

See the thing I don't understand and granted I don't understand a lot about sculpting custom heads but when scultors are making multiple heads of the same character isn't there a way to make molds or casts of the prototype heads so he could save time instead of making them individually one at a time?
See the thing I don't understand and granted I don't understand a lot about sculpting custom heads but when scultors are making multiple heads of the same character isn't there a way to make molds or casts of the prototype heads so he could save time instead of making them individually one at a time?

That explains things. He's been sculpting each head from scratch! ;)

Yes, of course you cast the heads after making a mold.
This whole commission thing is a mess. There should be rules made by Dave to protect buyers. Something like pay half when you order and the rest when the work is finished. Maybe that way "artists" will concentrate more on the work they say they do for a living.

Yeah some will now say something like "but the Artist needs the Money in order to get the material he needs ..."

This is nonsense because I don´t believe that all the money they get goes into buying material. I think they take it to pay for bills, rent, food and so on.

Somebody said that he has Stuff worth $300 in the pipeline for allmost a year. Let me tell you that there are people in here that have to make a living from $300 each month. This is not peanuts. This is a lot of Money.

So, if you make a living out of doing "Art" then do it professional, honest and try to stick with your customers.

Oh, in the End you will get the statement that the PC was damaged or the sister had a flu or the Dog died ... Everbody has to deal with certain problems. Life is a struggle.
This whole commission thing is a mess. There should be rules made by Dave to protect buyers. Something like pay half when you order and the rest when the work is finished. Maybe that way "artists" will concentrate more on the work they say they do for a living.

Why should Dave do it ? If the artists posts terms you have three options

(1) Accept the terms
(2) Contact them with a counter offer
(3) Decide not to buy
No commission work has anything to do with Dave or the SSF board.

I don´t think so. This Board is where the Commissions get advertised. There are rules for the Marketplace, but not for any commissions ...
That explains things. He's been sculpting each head from scratch! ;)

Yes, of course you cast the heads after making a mold.

See that's why I don't get it. If it's possible to make one main mold to make multiple heads, so why not do that?
See that's why I don't get it. If it's possible to make one main mold to make multiple heads, so why not do that?

He was just joking with you... that's how its done. A mold is made from the original and then resin casts are made to be sold.
Darklord Dave has nothing to do with the commissions here, it's not his responsibility.
Actually, it's a great favor to us customers that we can contact and interact with customizers, painters, sculptors and artist right here in this board.
It is our choice as buyers to send money to other people or not and we have to live with that choice.
Don't drag Dave into this.
Darklord Dave has nothing to do with the commissions here, it's not his responsibility.
Actually, it's a great favor to us customers that we can contact and interact with customizers, painters, sculptors and artist right here in this board.
It is our choice as buyers to send money to other people or not and we have to live with that choice.
Don't drag Dave into this.

I don't think anyone would argue that he's responsible for it, but that doesn't mean that it might not be a good idea to think about implementing some rules, just like he did with the For Sale section.
Darklord Dave has nothing to do with the commissions here, it's not his responsibility.
Actually, it's a great favor to us customers that we can contact and interact with customizers, painters, sculptors and artist right here in this board.
It is our choice as buyers to send money to other people or not and we have to live with that choice.
Don't drag Dave into this.

:lecture :lecture :lecture

Guys, I am not Chris' advocate and have been rather critical about him! But, I have reached him via e-mail and he responds every time I contact him...So, below is the corrspondence we had today (sorry it is lenghty, but there we go - my mail to him starts at the bottom and his reply is first):

On 19 juin 2009, at 17:09, "C. Howes" <[email protected]> wrote:

Ah, you hit on the crux of the matter... the fellow with the statues..... guess who he is, guess what sort of nefarious practice he is involved with?

Noone has seen finished work? That is ABSOLUTELY INCORRECT. There has been finished work, plenty of it in people's hands. You yourself will have some in hand shortly. Is there more to do? YES! Have I told people again and again it takes time? YES! Have I just sent out more heads? YES!

People have absolutely no idea how much work I've put out. They don't know how many custom heads I've sculpted for individuals, how much commercial work I've done. From my point of view it's a very very different story. Facts, as you say....

BTW, many of the head commission threads out there that people set up wanting me to do, I have collected not one single penny on. So, most of the so called "open commissions" are really just wish lists. Let me repeat: I have collected no money on most of the so called open commissions. Only those with a list indicating payment have money involved. Those are the ones I'm going to be completing as I'm honor bound to do so.

And the money, all the money, I've ever made from these group commissions is the equivalent of just a couple of commercial jobs.

If I'm such a criminal why am I bothering talking to you at all? wouldn't it make more sense if I just truly disappeared with my supposed ill gotten gains? But I haven't. Here I am, though, to be honest, I tire of explaining my self. I have way too much work to do.

Again, I'm sorry you are troubled, but you'll have your painted House head shortly. Please reserve your judgement until then.

It would be nice to hear how you like him when he arrives, however. Believe it or not, I do care that people are satisfied. I look forward hearing from you then.

Take Care,

On Jun 19, 2009, at 10:19 AM, Steve David wrote:


It all sounds good and ok but I am afraid that the facts are against you.

Nobody has received anything yet! You put up stuff on ebay and you don't even deliver open commissions. On the OSW board someone listed open commssions and money made on these! This is huge and noone has seen finished work! Another one said that he bought statues from your site in May 08 and is still waiting for 2 of them to arrive!

Read yourself:

This looks not good to me.


Sent from my iPhone
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