Super Freak
Is this guy dead or something?
No sir ............... it turns out he's just a real big ^^^^^^^.
Is this guy dead or something?
Nothing in my mailbox either, and no reply to my 5th refund request. He's got 2 days, and then I'm filing with his local police office, and the FBI's internet fraud division. I'm 100% tired of this crap now. I urge all of you to do the same. Print out your paypal transactions in case they want a fax of it. If these agencies get multiple complaints, he will end up getting some visits to his house that may put a fire under him. It's time for Chris to become uncomfortable with what he has done to all of us. It's not okay that he ignores us, and he doesn't need to be allowed to get away with it.
You will need to file with your local police department and have them fax the report and any documentation to Ohio, I have all the info if anyone is interested.
I found out an interesting little fact, Howes is the art director for Celebriducks, knowing that you can bet your bottom dollar that I would never order anything from them. I have contacted them and let them know that his actions here are making them guilty by association. Maybe if enough people went to their website and let them know they would see that this situation is also affecting them...
I don't think it is necessary to complete destroy this mans life. File your police reports and do the such but I would leave his day job out of it.
I gotta agree. I know you got royally screwed Captdan,no doubt and I would be mad as hell also. I can get why you're taking such drastic actions but I don't think all that is neccessary.
I think I have been more than patient with him and given him amble opportunities to make things right. I have been waiting for 14 months on something he promised would take 4-6 weeks. He has given me (and I am sure everyone else) more excuses than I can count.
He needs to know that I am serious and do not take lightly to getting ripped off, if it takes me contacting his day job, his mother or anyone else I can find then that is what I am going to do. If people continue to take the "Oh Well, guess I will never see the item or my money back" attitude then he wins. I for one am not going to let that happen. If I am not going to get what I paid for or a refund then he is nothing more than a thief and needs to be treated accordingly.
Thing is, I don't think he gives a crap. If he did, he'd be trying a little harder to keep us updated, etc, because he should know from all this, and from other customizer's situations on this board that we are a very forgiving bunch if you just keep us in the loop. However, he's not doing that at all, and is ignoring us completely. It's very obvious he looks down on us, and does not give our commissions any hint of priority because he is "Mr. Important Sculptor". Those of you that want us all to just shut up and hope for the best in hopes that it will satiate him and get your heads to you are fooling yourselves. You are a lot more likely to get something if you make some noise. I know you want your headsculpts, but playing "see no evil, hear no evil, say no evil" is just giving him all the leeway he wants to go on about his business and ignore you. What has that attitude gotten any of you so far? One head to the one person that made the most noise, that's it. Time to start facing reality.
I don't think anyone is saying to shut up, by all means do what you need to do to get your stuff back (within limits of course) but I don't think we need to hear over and over again complaining about it here. We know the situation is messed up but do we need post after post about?
I already am facing reality, I am out about $100. I emailed him twice now and no response. It was the risk I took in the beginning. I am certainly gonna waste more time contacting a lawyer or whatever over $100. OF COURSE I want my money back but in the end it is what it is. I just know I won't be doing business with him anymore.
In this particular thread, yes, I think we do. I think we need to stay current, and stay on top of this. Do we need to post anything in other threads and sections? No. Those threads are for other topics. But here in the "Chris Howes' Sculptural Creations" thread, it is very pertinent, and very topical to keep everyone else updated on all we have tried to do to get something out of him, and join together as a team to try and right this.
I guess your money doesn't mean as much to you. I'm only out $45, but that is a lot of money for me, and would buy a lot of groceries right now, rather than sit in Chris Howes' pocket waiting to be spent on god-knows-what. Of course I wouldn't waste time hiring a lawyer over such a trivial amount, because there are free ways to help us with our plight, that will probably be more effective than a legal threat letter. When the Cincinatti PD and the FBI Internet Fraud division starts having a complaint file build up against him, he will have to face authority. that's a scary prospect for anybody. He best get to updating those of you that still want the heads, and refund those who don't, and sitting around quietly hoping for the best, or accepting your money is gone just enable him to take from even more people.
I not saying you should sit around and wait for something to happen, I mentioned before calling the POLICE is a good thing. I was referring to the talk about contacting his work or his family or harassing him through phone calls. You should NOT be doing those things.