I actually just discovered this movie a couple of weeks ago and didn't know it had been out for three years already.Damn good ^^^^in movie,damn good soundtrack! Christian bale at his finest.
Why is it so hard for you guys to believe that maybe this DP guy really did ^^^^ up, multiple times, and he totally had this coming. How do you know what actually took place? You guys judge too quickly. This is just one side of the story. ( or coin )
You don't hear anyone defending this guy. You don't hear him defending his own actions. At on point it seems the Director agrees with Bale, maybe the feelings were mutual, maybe everyone there was thinking "FINALLY" How do you know. I'm sure Christian Bale is a dedicated actor and probably would work tirelessly to learn everything so he doesn't screw up a scene himself and get it done in one take. This DP guy was wasting film , time and money
Also lets look at the positive aspect, when Bale lost his composer, when he actually lost control and revealed his true self he didn't say anything racist or derogatory, sure he cursing up a storm but he didn't say anything specific.
Bale is your favorite actor? What movies is he in that made him your favorite?
Why wasn't the Director pissed off, shouldn't he have been?