Super Freak
American Psycho
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
The Presige
Dont forget the Machinist! Another absolute great
American Psycho
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
The Presige
American Psycho
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
The Prestige
Dont forget the Machinist! Another absolute great
Bale should STFU and do his job, which is act. If he had a problem there are better ways of going about it then belittle someone in front of their peers. :emperor
Empire of the Sun is a great film. And I don't care what anyone says, Reign of Fire is awesome, and Bale rocks in that too.
Bryce Dallas Howard (who plays Kate Connor) may have been on the set when this happened. Bale and Howard were doing a scene when the DP walked on.
McG wasn't there to see what happened, so I guess that's why he wasn't as frustrated as Bale. He did try to calm Bale down though.
Just listening to the clip again, it does seem like the DP has done this on more than one occasion.
It is also possible that he took this to a higher level to get in character for an intense scene. Listening again, he is fast to do another take after his outburst.
Bryce Dallas Howard (who plays Kate Connor) may have been on the set when this happened. Bale and Howard were doing a scene when the DP walked on.
McG wasn't there to see what happened, so I guess that's why he wasn't as frustrated as Bale. He did try to calm Bale down though.
Just listening to the clip again, it does seem like the DP has done this on more than one occasion.
THATS HIS JOB. So are you saying he should stop working because everyone else is getting fired? ????
ive lost all respect for bale. what a loser.