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I'm not an Endoskeleton expert but I can tell the copy from these pics were not painted well. The sculpt itself looks soft in areas that need to show separation between adjacent components.
Agreed,also look at the pistons in the forearm,looks like they melted.Also the flex hose connecting skull and torso looks the same.
My mother always said "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"
I have no comment on this piece.
Yikes. The pics don't look pretty, but will reserve judgement until some better quality pics surface, and there's some actual reviews from people who own it.
Based on what I've seen so far though, I'm glad I cancelled. I do think Sideshow's piece looks better, even with the silver paint job as there seems to be more detail to it, but the pose ruins that one. Here's hoping they deliver on their T2 endoskeleton.
Yeah, the pose is so questionable it's actually funny. It's like someone did that to make fun of the franchise. LOL!Based on what I've seen so far though, I'm glad I cancelled. I do think Sideshow's piece looks better, even with the silver paint job as there seems to be more detail to it, but the pose ruins that one. Here's hoping they deliver on their T2 endoskeleton.
only thing you saw from sideshow is their prototype
I'm aware of that. It looks better than Chronicle's prototype too.
SS piece is a joke on every level. Pose, price, paint. You name it, plus the fact that it isn't even a T1.