I would love to get this, but too many other items on pre order and just saw the new P2 predator bust previewed so will need to wait and see on that too. Congrats to those who are getting it.
hey which p2 bust are you reffering too?
I would love to get this, but too many other items on pre order and just saw the new P2 predator bust previewed so will need to wait and see on that too. Congrats to those who are getting it.
hey which p2 bust are you reffering too?
hey which p2 bust are you reffering too?
This thing is mighty impressive. Grats to all those who locked one, too big and expensive for me but I'm ******* already for the 1:4 maquette of the Anubi guard.
Out of interest, are you planning on any smaller Stargate pieces? Maybe a 1/4 full figure Horus statue for instance? I love the 1:1 Anubis and Horus but I am missing out simply due to the fact that I don't have the space for such larger pieces currently.
We are planning a 1/4 Anubis in the near future...
They may be waiting to see how well this sells first. I hope they do.Any word if a 1/4 Horus would be offered as well? I kind of like Horus better if I had to choose, but I still like Anubis too.
Wait a minute... with 1:4 full figure statues it means the Anubis/Horus guards in 1:4 scale, right? Not 1:4 helmets, right? I'm having a derpy moment.