Saw this movie tonight (first time at the movies in 7 years). I wanted to support Vin in this franchise. Here is my thoughts.
I like the feel of the movie, CGI was very good. I did like the first portion of the movie with Riddick alone and surviving. The Dog I agree with Celtic, l liked him, I liked the dog moments, nothing there bothered me, shows Riddick gets along great with animals, not so much with people.
Then the bounty hunters show up, I agree most were boring and had no character development ("Pitch Black" had many great characters) this one not so much. I would of liked ALOT more cat and mouse of Riddick killing the bounty hunters one by one, which really didn't happen that much.
In the end though this was a very small Indie Film (very well done in that case). They played it safe and didn't strayed to far from what they new already worked ("Pitch black" simple story line style). in order to safely bring the franchise back, I'm sure there will be a lot more added to the next film.
No Riddick Movie will beat "Pitch Black" though. They did everything right for the most part in that movie. It's my favorite sci-fi film and almost a perfect sci-fi film, especially for a small budget movie.
Ending was horrible, I saw a few people in front of my shake their heads, I agree, could of been more of a closing final, instead of the sudden end. The R rating made this movie feel like Riddick, which was missing in the PG "Chronicles"
Hope the Blu Ray has an extended edition maybe 15 minutes longer. Also Vin says they are getting members from Tigon studios who worked on Butcher Bay and will be working on another Riddick Game.