What do you think? Is there a resemblance between the old Marx Mike Hazard figure and Jack Benny?
I am just about speechless as I type this while I'm listening to Leroy Shield's great Laurel and Hardy music and looking at these outstanding sculpts.
Texture on the derbies.... Unreal!
steven (spencer) is a good feind of mine....i also got my sculpts from him....i echo everyone elses feelings!! these are just 1/6 th works of art!!! geronimo....great job on your bash,...well done sir....sorry but i also used the dr. jones look...as it works perfectly.....the "big" guy i have to work on....i did bash him with clothes i had lying around for now....i will take pics....but i want a better set-up eventualy.....i had a lot of fun puting these together......thanks spencer.......now please do the honeymooners pal.....
I've got that same cd set of Leroy Shield's music redone by the Beau Hunks...great songs that put a smile on your face!
Check them out in concert:
....just hope the pants fit as i really bulked up his waist.......
Hey Mightyq, if you have problems with pants size, look at one of the early posts on this thread where I have measurements for the pants that I ordered from ProjectAre.com. You will have to email them as they don't have the pants posted on their site. They are reasonably priced though ($15, I think), and you will get a perfect fit.