Just had my CC pf exc, CC dio exc and Viper 12" exc charged today, I hope they all ship tonight which means I will get them all by Wed....been awhile since receiving multiple pieces at once, going to be a fun day
Damm itt man i was soo excited when i read this because i wanted too call and have them charge me for my ex cc pf so i could get a 3 day jump on shipping and not wait till monday too ship... However when i called they said they can not charge till Monday an if someone else got charged it will not ship till Monday at the soonest... Ohh well
No Cobra symbol on the chest of the Crimson guards has me thinking..."return!"
Sure is not what has been advertised...
Wonder why this was omitted during production.
I called around 9am cali time and got my CC PF Ex charged a early. I just got my tracking number a second ago. Will be in hand on thurs.
Just noticed that even the box displays the old preview pics of the CGs with the Cobra logo on the chest. Wonder if mine are factory errors? Anyone else open theirs?
Doo you remember who you talked too when you called ???
Sorry to hear that, hopefully they will correct the problem.