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I could understand if the guy had it for 230-250...a deal...but full price while people can still order from here? Insane.
Although, this guy could be screwing himself...if this figure sales out in a few days and then it's released and it's rare, he's locked into selling it for $299 plus shipping when it's possible the statute at that point could be going for 500+ (if it sales out and is something rare that people want).
They showed a quick sneak of Snake Eyes during that presentation as well. Not as much as CC and Baroness but you could see the top torso of the SE PF scrolling across the bottom with some other WIP figures.

I'm guessing we'll see him next, but would certainly be fine with Baroness.


Wasn't that Snake Eyes the maquette that was previewed and not a PF?
I'm not going to say never, but I just don't think I'll be putting in an order for Baroness. Never liked playing with her when I was kid, always use to pawn her off on my cousin or friends. Just not a lot of room in my collection for female statues.
I'm not going to say never, but I just don't think I'll be putting in an order for Baroness. Never liked playing with her when I was kid, always use to pawn her off on my cousin or friends. Just not a lot of room in my collection for female statues.

Not a big fan of her myself, to be perfect honest I'm not a big fan of GI Joes but always liked Cobra Commander & Destro. Might get Baroness to complete the trio of villains then that's it for my GI Joe collection.
Well. I hesitated on the order...

... for about fifteen minutes. :lol

This can be my one Joe piece, and I'm thinking of getting my Marvel #1 CGCed and frame it up behind him. Had that book for 25 years now!
I would probably pass on the Baroness PF. If I got it at all, it would be to complement Destro. At $300ish per piece, and given the amount of space they take up, there's no way I would be a completist with the 1/4 scalers.
I still want it, but I have held off so far.

I'm probably better off sticking with just buying the LOTR maquettes, as my only current line (to purchase).
I know once you guys take a look at the ass on the Baroness once the 360* comes out, you'll be singing a different tune. Especially Ski.

Not me, if it's not a X-Men woman then I'm 100% sure that I'm going to be passing. Without any sencond thought, and I actually think the WIPS we've seen look amazing, just never related to her as a kid.
I know once you guys take a look at the ass on the Baroness once the 360* comes out, you'll be singing a different tune. Especially Ski.
Maybe, but the "sexiness" of a statue or toy based on a fictional cartoon character has never played into my decision-making calculus. So, I doubt this will change with Baroness.
Maybe, but the "sexiness" of a statue or toy based on a fictional cartoon character has never played into my decision-making calculus. So, I doubt this will change with Baroness.

True, but the sheer awesomeness of the character does. :D

I wouldnt mind a movie version of her either... :naughty