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will be picking up regular from affiliate. hood looks too odd to pay full price for ex.

I think the hooded version will be in much higher demand when this sells out (even if it takes a year to do so) when the likes of Baroness and Destro are released. Hooded CC might look better displayed with Destro instead of two silver masked characters standing side by side.

Consider yourself warned! :lecture
blah blah blah

That is one well fed Commander.
Yeah I really think the hooded portrait throws it off. He's a chub with the hood with the chrome dome he looks great. Maybe it's the picture? I wish they’d "chrome" the mask like the Fertility Idol and 3PO LSB, where it's a shiny dull look. That would be perfect for CC.
This may have been asked and answered, but why did SS issue a 1/6 and PF in a dark blue and a dio in a light blue?
I'll have to draw the line at a PF Golobulous (i know that's can't be the spelling), but also another far out PF would be Nemesis Enforcer.
Those characters arent major players and the line probably would never even get that far. Theres to many main line characters to get to before those names would even get jotted down on the "maybe" list. Id even probably throw serpentor on the not likely list as well.

Snake Eyes

Dr. Mindbender (hahaha)
Major Bludd
For Cobra I don't see them branching far from the "Fab Five," if at all.

Cobra Commander
Storm Shadow

Bludd is as old school as CC and Destro. He never got the respect. Zartan I think showed up a few seasons into the show.
Im not a huge zartan fan, but at the same time, I dont see Bludd taking over his spot. I remember more about zartan than I do Bludd.
Bludd is old school and was badass in 1983 but once Zartan replaced him as Cobra's top mercenary the following year Hasbro (and fans at large) never looked back.