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Bludd is old school and was badass in 1983 but once Zartan replaced him as Cobra's top mercenary the following year Hasbro (and fans at large) never looked back.

I did. Bludd was one of the most interesting characters in the early Hama RAH comics. Then they had to get all wonky and less edgy. The best thing about Zartan is that he looks cool and has cool gear. That and he had one of the best build-ups and intros of any character ever.

Zartan is better than Bludd in the cartoons, though. But so what... the 'toons are a blight on the ass of the Hama books & toys.
Grape soda and chocolate doughnuts, anyone?

Ha! Great pic.

So I read somewhere that "chocolate doughnuts and grape soda" was code for drugs and beer. Anyone hear that before?

Still love the PF CC (gotta stay on topic).
Ok, made my final decision. I'm not going to pre-order it. I was on the fence since it was announced, just not practical for me.

I'll keep up with the LOTR maquette line, that's enough for me. Enjoy this line for those that are collecting it.

Ok, made my final decision. I'm not going to pre-order it. I was on the fence since it was announced, just not practical for me.

I'll keep up with the LOTR maquette line, that's enough for me. Enjoy this line for those that are collecting it.


I know that you can squeeze out one for your collection...:dunno
Firefly PF is also a must, far as Cobras go. Firefly, Zartan, and Storm Shadow.

Firefly would be an instant pass if they based the PF on the current 12 inch figure. Card art or fail.

That's a big FAIL post right there. (Cartoons = toys) > comics

The cartoons contributed to ARAH being pop culture icons more than the comics but they aren't either/or commodities. The hard/soft master story arcs and Chris Latta's voice as CC are both equally integral to the overall mythos.
Firefly would be an instant pass if they based the PF on the current 12 inch figure. Card art or fail.

The cartoons contributed to ARAH being pop culture icons more than the comics but they aren't either/or commodities. The hard/soft master story arcs and Chris Latta's voice as CC are both equally integral to the overall mythos.
I agree about Firefly needing to be old-school. As for the cartoon vs. comic--you must pick a side!