Premium Format Cobra Commander Premium Format

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devilof76 hates them too, he just wont admit it.

Fine. I'll admit it. :dunno

I'm probably only going to get the Baroness so I can make lewd comments, disparaging her condition as the lesser sex. I can also mock her accent to express my contempt for Europeans, and then just for ____s and giggles, make fun of her glasses because smart people suck.
Yoda would never act like that, you should change your avatar to something more brash, impertinent and insolently rude.
Something more like this?

Sorry, but as your friend, I thought I should be honest with you.

You're a jerk, no one likes you and you're giving Yoda a rep.
You think if I just put everyone on ignore except for you, I could keep Yoda? Or would everybody except for you have to put me on ignore?

I really like my avatar.
So what specifically do you hate about them? That you can play with them ;)

I'm glad that I have these boys on the ignore list now, because you are fighting a pointless battle with collectors like this. They want to call others trolls, but like they say..."you point the finger and you have three pointing right back at you." I know that I don't go to other 1/6 figure threads and just post imflammatory remarks. (even after I explained I'm a figurine collectors just like them) But that's the kind of members they are and I'm glad we have the ignore button...:hi5: It makes life some much easier around here.

Just let it go and don't let these type members pull you out of character.
I'm glad that I have these boys on the ignore list now, because you are fighting a pointless battle with collectors like this. They want to call others trolls, but like they say..."you point the finger and you have three pointing right back at you." I know that I don't go to other 1/6 figure threads and just post imflammatory remarks. (even after I explained I'm a figurine collectors just like them) But that's the kind of members they are and I'm glad we have the ignore button...:hi5: It makes life some much easier around here.

Just let it go and don't let these type members pull you out of character.

Ignore, really?

Being a bit to sensitive if you are taking anything that has been said about premium formats or their collectors seriously. I was sure you realized it was all tongue in cheek, but I guess not :dunno

Oh well, some folks cant handle being ribbed about their collection choice. Meh.

Guess you cant see my post anyway...:lol
I'm not sure I get it, really. I look at 1/4's, 1/6's and even some 1/1's and like them all. They all have positives and negatives. But they all are damn cool. I would never have the room or money or patience (as in constantly posing and changing clothes and weapons in thr 1/6 scale) for 1/6, but I don't deny they are cool and I do actually own 3. But for me, something as big as 20 inches, just is more like what you'd see in an art gallery or in someone's house on display like other non SS art. Are they all toys? Probably. No one is ever going to confuse my PF's for greek sculptures and statues.
I have only collected 1/6 military and just recently Marvel for the last 20 years. When I saw this PF, I couldn't help but PO it. I collected the 3 3/4 as a kid and with this being the 1st of a new Premium Format line is unbelievable. I could never catch up with the 1/6 Joe line anyway. My first ever PF and hopefully 2 or 3 more a year G.I. Joe PF's to come....... I for one can't wait to get this thing in-hand
I have only collected 1/6 military and just recently Marvel for the last 20 years. When I saw this PF, I couldn't help but PO it. I collected the 3 3/4 as a kid and with this being the 1st of a new Premium Format line is unbelievable. I could never catch up with the 1/6 Joe line anyway. My first ever PF and hopefully 2 or 3 more a year G.I. Joe PF's to come....... I for one can't wait to get this thing in-hand

As much as I'd just like to buy EVERYTHING :wink1: I have to take a more careful approach and pick some format and stick with it. Also, if I collected every Joe 1/6, I'd also want every Indy 1/6, etc., etc. and while half the size, the price would add up as I'd be buying a lot more 1/6th as there are more and the irony is I'd likely run out of places for them as with PF's maybe 2-3 a year and frankly there's not a whole lot I want. I am mainly a movie PF collector and this is the first non-movie PF I considered.