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I think they should just make one version and that the whole REG vs. EX is killing many of the figures, diorama's etc. There's always one that is not sold out. I mean, FINALLY, both versions of Jack Sparrow PF and PF EX sold out. But it took awhile.

I'm wondering, since I see how diehard many Joe fans are in regards to 1/6th and kinda anti-PF, how Star Wars fans are on the whole 1/6th vs. PF. Seems the more the better from what I've read. (Yes, I know Joe started long ago as a 12 inch figure, but there's no more rabid fanbase than a Star Wars one...)
^^ Damn. That's a big Princess Leia.

I think a major difference is that there seems to be a big enough fan-base to really support a Star Wars statue line, whereas I'm not sure if that is the case with the Joe line. I personally like the idea of having statues, and am not one of the "sky is falling" types to proclaim that focusing on statues in some round-about way leads to the death of the 1/6 line, but I do wonder about Sideshow's ability to keep at the statues if sales don't pick up.

Of course, what do any of us know about Sideshow's internal decisions, costs, revenues, etc.? This is all really idle speculation.
personally though i think i would have bought the SE dio if it had been SE v SS.

That would have been the obvious good choice, but I DO like what they did with the red ninjas, it was a throwback to the comics, and I think it is an outstanding dio and well worth the money.
We'll see. There are many more cancellations to come, methinks. Then, there is always that stash of "Second Chance!" statues that tend to pop up mysteriously. . .of course, this isn't even getting to the regulars that outside retailers have to try and sell.

If the SE dio hasn't sold out yet, I don't see this selling out faster. I love it though, I am hoping to see the ladies shortly, single, or diorama, doesn't matter.
I think they should just make one version and that the whole REG vs. EX is killing many of the figures, diorama's etc. There's always one that is not sold out. I mean, FINALLY, both versions of Jack Sparrow PF and PF EX sold out. But it took awhile.

I'm wondering, since I see how diehard many Joe fans are in regards to 1/6th and kinda anti-PF, how Star Wars fans are on the whole 1/6th vs. PF. Seems the more the better from what I've read. (Yes, I know Joe started long ago as a 12 inch figure, but there's no more rabid fanbase than a Star Wars one...)

I always liked the exclusives, I order more from SS because of the convenience, so I don't mind getting the exc, they usually have better resale value too.

^^ Damn. That's a big Princess Leia.

I think a major difference is that there seems to be a big enough fan-base to really support a Star Wars statue line, whereas I'm not sure if that is the case with the Joe line. I personally like the idea of having statues, and am not one of the "sky is falling" types to proclaim that focusing on statues in some round-about way leads to the death of the 1/6 line, but I do wonder about Sideshow's ability to keep at the statues if sales don't pick up.

Of course, what do any of us know about Sideshow's internal decisions, costs, revenues, etc.? This is all really idle speculation.

Yeah she is, came in a refrigerator box.

I worry for the Joe line as I have with all other Joe lines that come out, there is never enough demand, because most Joe collectors collect figures which are much cheaper (unless you start looking into carded and boxed vintage, whole other story) and can't transition to $200+ statues, I have been buying art/comics toys since I was a kid so I was exposed to it quite early and used to the high prices (don't like them but understand).

^^ Or maybe more technically, "a throwback to that one comic" :D

21? Been awhile since I read the comics but I think they came back in later issues of the marvel run. But that one issue is better than most in the whole run.
^^ Damn. That's a big Princess Leia.

I think a major difference is that there seems to be a big enough fan-base to really support a Star Wars statue line, whereas I'm not sure if that is the case with the Joe line. I personally like the idea of having statues, and am not one of the "sky is falling" types to proclaim that focusing on statues in some round-about way leads to the death of the 1/6 line, but I do wonder about Sideshow's ability to keep at the statues if sales don't pick up.

Of course, what do any of us know about Sideshow's internal decisions, costs, revenues, etc.? This is all really idle speculation.

Agreed, none of us know their motives or what's in their boardroom. They are a business and have followed the typical mass production business model which has helped with unemployment here: open factories in China or other countries, pay low wages, etc. So adding the 1/4th's to the 1/6th's, seems to be them just trying to make more money and taking a chance that PF's catch on for all lines. I think their Marvel and movie lines are their most successful in PF and always will be.

How'd you know I was "idle"? I was just idling down in time for lunch. :clap
They have been talking about Joe statues since the 12" figures were released, the year they revealed SE at sdcc I talked to an agent that was giving out bits and pieces, yes it took awhile to release anything but it was true what she if we can get the Jessica Rabbit pf! :monkey4
Yeah, I do think there must be a pretty low ceiling of sales necessary to break even on these statues, just given the general low production numbers on the things (less than 1,000 regular + exclusive in many instances). And that may explain why lines that don't seem to be doing so well seem to retain SS's attention (albeit not at the level of monster sellers like Star Wars and Marvel for obvious reasons).
I think the Indy movie line of PF's is done after ToD failed to sell as well as the other two PF's.
Mola Ram was the most interesting looking character in the franchise, so I tend to agree with you. I think Indy, Sr. is a possibility, but can't imagine them going after anyone else.
I love Mola Ram SO well done.
Would buy Henry Jones Sr, Short Round, MAYBE Elsa in Nazi uniform, and the Grail Knight (a dream but would buy it)
For the average 1/6 collector, how many at $150 +/- a pop do you buy? I think the 1/4 collector pays twice what many 1/6 are but it balances out as they are larger and one takes up a lot of friggin' room.

How many $150 for 1/6? Lots of times :lol

I'm not sure what your comment is getting at other than pointing out PF people pay more.

But to compare the recent 2 offerings:

$135 1/6 Exclusive Hawk, who some see as not important and came with a exclusive head some do not see as useful, sold out 500 units in about 24 hours.

$300 PF Exclusive Cobra Commander, who most agree looks great and is vastly more popular than Hawk, is limited to 500 units, but has been up for 3 weeks now and has yet to even hit the low quantity status.

I do think Snake Eyes and Baroness will do better in PF cause of the cause everyone claims SE was their favorite when they were a kid, riiight and Baroness to fap too.
Mola Ram was the most interesting looking character in the franchise, so I tend to agree with you. I think Indy, Sr. is a possibility, but can't imagine them going after anyone else.

I'd like to see a Last Crusade Indy, maybe finally with a whip hand AND a gun hand.
How many $150 for 1/6? Lots of times :lol

I'm not sure what your comment is getting at other than pointing out PF people pay more.

But to compare the recent 2 offerings:

$135 1/6 Exclusive Hawk, who some see as not important and came with a exclusive head some do not see as useful, sold out 500 units in about 24 hours.

$300 PF Exclusive Cobra Commander, who most agree looks great and is vastly more popular than Hawk, is limited to 500 units, but has been up for 3 weeks now and has yet to even hit the low quantity status.

I do think Snake Eyes and Baroness will do better in PF cause of the cause everyone claims SE was their favorite when they were a kid, riiight and Baroness to fap too.

Not trying to get at anything, Mr. Sensitive. (joking). I think overall we all are paying out the a__ for collectibles. Just some take up more room with fewer pieces. Some take up more room with a lot of pieces. I think I wouldn't get away with too many 1/6th as my wife would accuse me of collecting action figures again. I'm safe with stationary figures for the moment....
How many $150 for 1/6? Lots of times :lol

I'm not sure what your comment is getting at other than pointing out PF people pay more.

But to compare the recent 2 offerings:

$135 1/6 Exclusive Hawk, who some see as not important and came with a exclusive head some do not see as useful, sold out 500 units in about 24 hours.

$300 PF Exclusive Cobra Commander, who most agree looks great and is vastly more popular than Hawk, is limited to 500 units, but has been up for 3 weeks now and has yet to even hit the low quantity status.

I do think Snake Eyes and Baroness will do better in PF cause of the cause everyone claims SE was their favorite when they were a kid, riiight and Baroness to fap too.


To be fair though Hawk didn't have a NRD. So a sell out was pretty much guaranteed, if CC had no NRD he would have sold out just as quick.
Wish I didn't look up what fap meant, but lol, I got a wife to dress up as her for me(been awhile since she did, but it was fun) so no need to "fap" to a Baroness statue.
Really who care they are making PF's, Dio's, 12" Action Figures. Everybody should be happy because they are getting their aquired taste meet. If doesn't sell out in a few hours does not constitute failure. What if it sale out later. Does that not mean it was a success? It's like some are trying and wishing their hardest for this to fail. Why? Is your collection going to be that much better because statues of Joes' and Cobras' didn't make it? In the end who really cares because they are still being produced, and I don't see this line being cancelled. The only thing that will change will be the ES being smaller. Which will then probably bring in a few more collectors that collect for small ES.
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$135 1/6 Exclusive Hawk, who some see as not important and came with a exclusive head some do not see as useful, sold out 500 units in about 24 hours.

$300 PF Exclusive Cobra Commander, who most agree looks great and is vastly more popular than Hawk, is limited to 500 units, but has been up for 3 weeks now and has yet to even hit the low quantity status.
But in fairness, there is one missing factor here. If Hawk had an NRD, I would bet that a huge chunk of those that pre-ordered wouldn't have. Now, like with several other Ex. Joe figures (such as Flint) that sold out, I bet it will be available in-stock at some point. Part of that is SS's whole "Second Chance!" gimmick, but the lack of NRD and no-cost cancellation policy are gonna contribute to that, as well.

By the way, I'm not disagreeing with your argument that the 1/6th figures are better sellers.