Collection Stash: A Collection Cataloging and Collectible Archiving Platform

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Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

Definitely question everything. I like all feedback whether it is positive over negative. Responses:

I think under place of purchase we may need a category for Local Comic Shop (LCS) or Other for vendors not listed ...
I can add that but I should probably also add a free form text box like an other so you can specify. I wonder if it would just be easier to add a free form text box and not have the drop down.

I think you need both. the drop down is easy and great for constants. I think when you choose OTHER it should then allow free-form text.

Also is there a way to make your stash private to members only? Any privacy setting?
Yes, go to your Account->Stash and then check or uncheck private. Log out and try to go to your stash it should tell you it is private.

Will this make it only Private to members so non-members will not be able to see it?

Have you built in the duplicate detection yet (for the add to stash function) ?
Not yet, I have it on the list but it is minor right now.

Says you ! :gah: LOL. Just kidding. I know I have added a few multiple times in error LOL. Hence the question. But it's cool. Easy to fix.

Did you work on the stash view "showcase" yet ? For stock images not your own?
I have some updates coming to the stash this weekend that will change somethings around. I am not sure if it is for the better yet but we will see. Once I get that done, I want to add some configuration settings so you can change how your stash looks and I will add this one as an option. It would look like your stash photos but it will cycle through your collectibles.

Interesting. I need to capture what I was telling you about and as you flow through the collectibles under the image is info on the piece in a summary form.

THe tiles and lists look so meh after a while.

Agreed! I will probably leave the lists they way they are for a while but I do need to do something with the way I am branding titles, I am not a fan right now. Problem is, I am a programmer first and a designer second. I try to find other sites out there with cool ideas to get some ideas. If you have some ideas would love to see or hear them

With there not being much like this out there, it's hard to find samples, but I am really into aesthetics. We did a lot of work on our website for work, so I know it makes the difference. But I will try and get some ideas from my HTPC software for you.

Also from your other post, I have thought about a reporting service, maybe dump it out into a PDF but I have not put it on the roadmap yet.

That is all I was thinking of. If you can incorporate an image as well I think it would hlpe a lot of collectors. Combine that with you getting sponsorship for collectibles insurance providers and you gave a win win Just saying.
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

Definitely question everything. I like all feedback whether it is positive over negative. Responses:

I think under place of purchase we may need a category for Local Comic Shop (LCS) or Other for vendors not listed ...
I can add that but I should probably also add a free form text box like an other so you can specify. I wonder if it would just be easier to add a free form text box and not have the drop down.

I think you need both. the drop down is easy and great for constants. I think when you choose OTHER it should then allow free-form text.

Also is there a way to make your stash private to members only? Any privacy setting?
Yes, go to your Account->Stash and then check or uncheck private. Log out and try to go to your stash it should tell you it is private.

Will this make it only Private to members so non-members will not be able to see it?

Have you built in the duplicate detection yet (for the add to stash function) ?
Not yet, I have it on the list but it is minor right now.

Says you ! :gah: LOL. Just kidding. I know I have added a few multiple times in error LOL. Hence the question. But it's cool. Easy to fix.

Did you work on the stash view "showcase" yet ? For stock images not your own?
I have some updates coming to the stash this weekend that will change somethings around. I am not sure if it is for the better yet but we will see. Once I get that done, I want to add some configuration settings so you can change how your stash looks and I will add this one as an option. It would look like your stash photos but it will cycle through your collectibles.

Interesting. I need to capture what I was telling you about and as you flow through the collectibles under the image is info on the piece in a summary form.

THe tiles and lists look so meh after a while.

Agreed! I will probably leave the lists they way they are for a while but I do need to do something with the way I am branding titles, I am not a fan right now. Problem is, I am a programmer first and a designer second. I try to find other sites out there with cool ideas to get some ideas. If you have some ideas would love to see or hear them

With there not being much like this out there, it's hard to find samples, but I am really into aesthetics. We did a lot of work on our website for work, so I know it makes the difference. But I will try and get some ideas from my HTPC software for you.

Also from your other post, I have thought about a reporting service, maybe dump it out into a PDF but I have not put it on the roadmap yet.

That is all I was thinking of. If you can incorporate an image as well I think it would hlpe a lot of collectors. Combine that with you getting sponsorship for collectibles insurance providers and you gave a win win Just saying.

For the stash privacy, right now, if it is private it is private to everyone but you. I can make it a drop down with settings: Public, Private to Non-members, Private to Everyone.

For the image gallery stash view, if you look at this:

The first image in the gallery has an "i" in the upper corner. Clicking that will give a title and description. Nacho only added a title right now but ideally I will use that for now to display title and some information about the collectible in your stash.

I can after I get that piece done maybe some details below the image instead of having to click an link.
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

Pushed out the next round of Stash updates. I also updated the privacy settings to be a little more robust.

I think the next step will then allow you to choose how you want your collectibles to view, either: tiles, gallery or list.

Once that is complete I will add the free form text box for purchased field as well as Nachos AP field.

Once that is complete I am going to revamp the tiles a bit to have detail hovers as well as an image enlarge.

After that is a surprise. :D

Of course approving stuff in between. :)
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

Pushed out the next round of Stash updates. I also updated the privacy settings to be a little more robust.

I think the next step will then allow you to choose how you want your collectibles to view, either: tiles, gallery or list.

Once that is complete I will add the free form text box for purchased field as well as Nachos AP field.

Once that is complete I am going to revamp the tiles a bit to have detail hovers as well as an image enlarge.

After that is a surprise. :D

Of course approving stuff in between. :)


Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

For the stash privacy, right now, if it is private it is private to everyone but you. I can make it a drop down with settings: Public, Private to Non-members, Private to Everyone.

For the image gallery stash view, if you look at this:

The first image in the gallery has an "i" in the upper corner. Clicking that will give a title and description. Nacho only added a title right now but ideally I will use that for now to display title and some information about the collectible in your stash.

I can after I get that piece done maybe some details below the image instead of having to click an link.

Not sure but the first image does not have an "i" ?

I think it would be a good idea to make it a selection of completely private, members only, or public. Give many options. I for one would only want members seeing my stuff. Especially if I finally post my own pics.

I don't see anything allowing to choose a view in the stash yet is that right?
Not sure but the first image does not have an "i" ?

I think it would be a good idea to make it a selection of completely private, members only, or public. Give many options. I for one would only want members seeing my stuff. Especially if I finally post my own pics.

I don't see anything allowing to choose a view in the stash yet is that right?

With the updates last night you will have to click the photos tab.

Check your account-> stash settings. Should be much more robust now. :)
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

I am sorry, I thought you means on the Collectibles screen with the default images it would give information on the piece. That is what I was thinking about. SOrry.
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

I am sorry, I thought you means on the Collectibles screen with the default images it would give information on the piece. That is what I was thinking about. SOrry.

Ah I see. Not yet but that will be in the next wave.

So ideally, you are looking for that "gallery" type of view but with your actual collectibles showing the stock images.

And then some means for each image in the gallery to show some details about the collectible.

Did I understand that correctly?
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

Ah I see. Not yet but that will be in the next wave.

So ideally, you are looking for that "gallery" type of view but with your actual collectibles showing the stock images.

And then some means for each image in the gallery to show some details about the collectible.

Did I understand that correctly?

Something like that.

I think you can make it so it shows some summary of the piece. Name, Edition size, piece info. You name it.

Here are some images I think can be amended to work nicely on the site. I something like this in my HTPC
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

With my system I press I and the infor comes up. When you don't it has a brief description and name of the piece.

I think that would really bring the screen to the next level.
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

With my system I press I and the infor comes up. When you don't it has a brief description and name of the piece.

I think that would really bring the screen to the next level.

Thanks for the ideas! I think I can come up with something that will work.

Do you want to see information about your collectible, actual collectible information or a little bit of both?
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

Thanks for the ideas! I think I can come up with something that will work.

Do you want to see information about your collectible, actual collectible information or a little bit of both?

I think, dependant on space and layout, you can do two things. Default when not pressing "i" will give you the name, license and maybe type at the bottom.

Pressing "i" can open up detailed info, including all the stuff we enter when put in a new piece. Like edition size, manufacturer, size, Summary info. You know ?
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

Just joined up! Site is looking really good!

Question! Can we add Art Figures to the supported Manufacturer's list? Wanted to add my Punisher, but noticed it wasn't accepted.
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

Just joined up! Site is looking really good!

Question! Can we add Art Figures to the supported Manufacturer's list? Wanted to add my Punisher, but noticed it wasn't accepted.

Most definitely. Can you just post here their website, any licenses they have and what type of collectibles that have and I can get them added.
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

Thanks Joseph!

Here you go Something Sexy!

All 1/6th Figures

The Punisher
Punisher War Zone
Tears of the Sun
The Shawshank Redemption
The Godfather

However, they are not listed as those licenses, they do call them by other names.
Re: Collection Stash: Open Beta

Thanks Joseph!

Here you go Something Sexy!

All 1/6th Figures

The Punisher
Punisher War Zone
Tears of the Sun
The Shawshank Redemption
The Godfather

However, they are not listed as those licenses, they do call them by other names.

Are they their own brand? I assume they don't actually have those licenses?