Comic Con 2013

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I tried clicking the button 1min before the clock said it was 9:00 and it just kept on refreshing that page. I hate to say
it but I think Comic-Con has officially outgrown SanDiego. I think it's time for Vegas to have a crack at it. After 2016 of course.

I agree :(
I tried for a friend and got the WSD. Opened a second tab at 9:02 and got the waiting room is closed, all badges likely sold out, window. So yes, after three years, it still blows chunks.
I think they should extend the show personally. Maybe even sell Hall H as a separate piece. I'd be fine to have a Tuesday- Friday package if they could get the retailers to show up a day early. Or, instead of preview night, do a Wed- Friday package, Sat with Hall H and Sat without Hall H, 4day with Hall H, and 4day without Hall H. Extend on one front, and diversify package options on the other. Could relieve a bit of the bottle neck. This will be my 8th year, but it seems to me like the movie and TV studio draw has exploded interest in the show, yet Comicon has been slow to adjust to the rising demand except rely on an event company who at first was untested in handling 100k + ticket demand and after 3 years, still has not found a reliable solution to the problem. This is probably a very unique event where this type of demand occurs, but the Epic folks, lower cost they may be, don't seem to get that this is a customer service issue as well.
Not sure how many of you go to the Sunday wrap up panel, but it's very informative. If I go to that panel this year, I'm going to ask about these options above.
Those are some great suggestions!!! Cause there are many folks who go primarily for Hall H stuff. That would split the crowd quite a bit, possibly generate more money and give more comic fans an opportunity to hit the panels and exhibit floor. Folks buy the 4 day passes cause they can see their Hall H stuff on Friday & Saturday and resell the Sunday pass.

Maybe have a strictly Hall H pass and those panels start on Wednesday.
Ugh... this sucks... couldn't get in at all...
I really hope more tix are eventually available... otherwise this will be the first time I don't go since I moved to San Diego... terrible, awful system... :monkey2
I think they should extend the show personally. Maybe even sell Hall H as a separate piece. I'd be fine to have a Tuesday- Friday package if they could get the retailers to show up a day early. Or, instead of preview night, do a Wed- Friday package, Sat with Hall H and Sat without Hall H, 4day with Hall H, and 4day without Hall H. Extend on one front, and diversify package options on the other. Could relieve a bit of the bottle neck. This will be my 8th year, but it seems to me like the movie and TV studio draw has exploded interest in the show, yet Comicon has been slow to adjust to the rising demand except rely on an event company who at first was untested in handling 100k + ticket demand and after 3 years, still has not found a reliable solution to the problem. This is probably a very unique event where this type of demand occurs, but the Epic folks, lower cost they may be, don't seem to get that this is a customer service issue as well.
Not sure how many of you go to the Sunday wrap up panel, but it's very informative. If I go to that panel this year, I'm going to ask about these options above.

Nah, just put ALL of the panels on the comic con site afterwards. We all have user names, passwords, etc. Let us just access every panel after the show and that will make things easier. People won't kill themselves to get into a panel if they can just see it at home after the con. I'd rather just see the panel rather than having to see the actors/celebs in person.
Can't believe it's almost been ten years since I first attended SDCC! Bought tickets for the days I wanted just a week prior too. Then had to attend in full every chance after that. But the thing really has grown into an abominable debacle over these past ten years. Last I went was two days in 2011, and although I did manage to have wonderful times with freaks, the con was just not enjoyable any longer.

I know it's a niche, but I'll stick with the far more manageable Star Wars Celebrations. Breathing room is greatly appreciated by me nowadays. I can spot freaks a lot easier at the small cons.

Maybe, if SDCC came to Vegas, my current home, I'd give it a try, at least once. Plus I'd love all the freaks to be coming to my area where I could act as town host a bit.

Oh well, it was a great eight cons for me in San Diego. Tons of fun, just not worth the headache any longer...
And it just occurred to me...

I've spent about one full month of my life attending the SDCC! :horror

Not to mention all the travelling down and back, primarily by car.
I will look forward to being an armchair, mouse and keyboard wielding non-attendee watching Josh's photo thread.

Thanks Josh! :wave
Nah, just put ALL of the panels on the comic con site afterwards. We all have user names, passwords, etc. Let us just access every panel after the show and that will make things easier. People won't kill themselves to get into a panel if they can just see it at home after the con. I'd rather just see the panel rather than having to see the actors/celebs in person.

This is almost the way it is now. Anything you see that is a big draw is on the interwebs within an hour and it has not deterred anyone from standing in the 8 hr line at Hall H! Trailers, sneak peaks, it's all on Facebook or YouTube or something almost as it's showing. As far as the discussion panels go, I don't think those are a high contributor to the abnormal traffic. Any old tymer who actually manages to get passes nowadays will tell you, it all changed when the movie studios started attending. Look at the exhibit floor; the graphic art end of the floor is typically walkable save for Sat. The media art end is a cluster **** from Wed to Sun filled with folks looking to score the latest swag from this movie or that TV show or get a glimpse of some ******* TV actress.
I'm just saying, it's a highly diverse affair, the ticket matrix should reflect that as well. There's room for everyone, but obviously not everybody all at the same time!
The panels can mostly be posted but it would require a ton of resources from a group that is predominately a volunteer organization. As for the Hall H & Ballroom 20 panels, the studios won't allow that. It was suggested that they run the panels twice or post them online and the rep from SDCC said the movie studios are not trying to hear it. They think the more exposure the panels have, the less controlled the environment becomes.
I managed to get in in the 8000's yesterday and score tickets for me and the wife. It'll be our first time attending and should be about 2-3 weeks after I get home from overseas. I'm pretty excited about it!
Comic-Con is a blast though despite the ticket issues. It's hectic, crowded, and takes planning to complete your tasks. For me I admit I love it and in a way live for it. In the eight years I've gone I've developed a plan that works and of course gets tweaked on the fly. I can't wait to see the freaks, sideshow folks, weta folk, and the madness that is comic-con. I wish it was July already. :yess:

I will look forward to being an armchair, mouse and keyboard wielding non-attendee watching Josh's photo thread.

Thanks Josh! :wave

I will do my best to provide some good coverage. Hope you all enjoy it.

No problem :hi5:
Last year I had the same issues as you guys had. I took awhile to load and all the sort of stuff. This year I got in alot quicker with a little advice that I took from last year. Got in line and a few minutes later I was on. Bought two badges and for four days and I was out. Could have bought more but I had problems getting their memeber ID. Now that I have my badges I can move forward on getting a hotel. Which is another task to accomplish from what I was told.