Comic Con 2013

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Deadpool fans, here is a cool exclusive from Action Figure Express, which is actually already available for preorder (I ordered mine this morning).

Deadpool awesomeness:
I would have covered you also Kuzeh but it appears someone already handled it. :cool:
Thanks my friend. I actually still need some help. PM incoming

That is both odd and worrisome. Exclusives help pay for going to the con. Not sure why they wouldn't do them at this point. Yeah, picking them up could be a hassle, but it beats what Hasbro and Mattel are doing. Wish everyone would make getting their con exclusives as easy as Sideshow did.
Matteo has preorders too.

Wow, I can't believe Sideshow isn't doing any exclusives. Hell has officially frozen over. Pigs are flying.
I know! It's the end of times!
I wonder if there is any chance of a TMNT movie panel? The movie comes out next June and has been filming for a month or two? Would looooove to see that.

Could do without Megan Fox though.
For the last 2 years, I've avoided the Hasbro and Mattel booths because they stress me out! 2008-10, got tix, waited in line, and bought the exclusives only to either keep them in storage or sell them off later. It didn't make sense to spend so much time and effort on something I don't truly enjoy. The thing that made me skip on Hasbro altogether was trying to get the Skystriker Starscream in 2011. That thing sold out real quick! I was annoyed to see scalpers wheeling cases of them away while I couldn't even get 1. Just 1! All that stress and nothing to show for it. Mattel can be equally stressful and I haven't been too thrilled about their offerings in the past 2 years.
Another factor is that I've focused my collecting on only HT since then. I think to myself, would I rather have these 2-3 hasbro exclusives or a brand spankin' new HT to buy from one of the merchants or after the show?
This year, Hasbro has the TF/GI Joe set with Jetfire and Hound. 2 characters I've always really liked but felt were under-represented. Here we go again:gah:

Mattel is actually one of my favorites now. Preorder your stuff ahead of time, and the longest Ive waited in line for my preorder was 20 minutes.

I would love to set fire to the Habro booth

In 2011, I wore a badge with the name Crystal.

I'm Andrew! Only got one glance in two days, but I just didn't make eye contact.

I was selected! :D

Congratulations, Crystal. :nana:
You've clearly never pre-ordered from Mattel :lol All you do is guarantee your items. You'll still wait in a 2+ hour line as they fumble through the pick ups :slap

damn, you must of ordered waaaay more than I did. Ive never waited in line for more than 20 minutes.
damn, you must of ordered waaaay more than I did. Ive never waited in line for more than 20 minutes.

Oh, I'm not speaking from personal experience. I did it the first year they did it and only took about 20 minutes as well. Not nearly a smooth a Sideshow's method. Never needed anything else from them since the though. Went by the line on the way to the fulfillment room and the guys in the front of the line said they'd been there over 2 hours. Then line was long and not moving, so I believed them. Total nightmare :lol
So you can pre order exclusives online and pick it up and comic con?
Why would people wait in line for hours then?
Not all companies allow pre orders. Mattel just started probably 3-4 years ago. Works great. well, better than the alternative of waiting at the booth. I wish Hasbro would copy them
I'd like to help you in setting fire to Hasbro's booth after what happened to me last year. I'll bring the gas, you bring the match?

I just preordered the Deadpool set from Action Figure Xpress, and will pick it up at the show. But they're not as bigtime as Mattel and Hasbro so I don't expect much of a wait.

It's funny to me that so many booths do things so differently. You'd think that by this time they'd have figured out what works and what doesnt.
I think Mattels works for the best. But I think pride probably stops Hasbro from copying

and of course, they get alot of attention from the lines around their booth. So, Im sure they enjoy that
Thursday ticket anyone? Pretty please :)

That is both odd and worrisome. Exclusives help pay for going to the con. Not sure why they wouldn't do them at this point. Yeah, picking them up could be a hassle, but it beats what Hasbro and Mattel are doing. Wish everyone would make getting their con exclusives as easy as Sideshow did.

Probably cause they're still avail months after the show? what do they do, cut the Es low to where they aren't making much of a profit, and fans complain? It's really not much of a win/win situation for them.
SDCC has been known to run sting operations in the past.

They have been known to cancel badges for anyone trying to resell them if they can link your ebay account to your registration. I'm surprised this one actually ran it's course considering it's an auction listing. I thought they would have ebay pull it earlier.