Commander Praji - Sideshow Exclusive 12"

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too cool :monkey5
I know its the old song and dance, but seriously... if you don't want a figure then don't buy it. Why get bent out of shape because a figure you don't like is released? Someone likes it, so should they not get a figure just because you don't want it?

I've passed on a few SS 1/6 figures so far, I didn't want 2 of the 3 Endor Troopers and I wasn't interested in a Ventress or SnowBunny Padme. But that's okay... I can go on. I'll just buy something else with that money, no harm no foul. Give your wallet a vacation, whatever... no need to be upset.
You know, seeing the Medi lineup together like that really show how bland an offering they've had so far, only Luke as a non helmeted character and they botched his face, and umpteen troopers, it all looks to similar no variety.
Sad thing is, in the same ammount of time, this is all Medi's done, though Luke's not in this shot and regular Stormtrooper.


And look what Sideshow's done in 2 years.


Mostly Jedi and no Stormtroopers or vader,I dont know what StarWars world SS is living in.:lol

P.S. I'll give SS big props for Making Jabba's throne.:D
And look what Sideshow's done in 2 years.


Well put :clap :clap

And, Medicom's actually had the license longer... I think the first release (Luke) was in early 2005, whereas Sideshow's first was nearly a year later in March of 2006. Although pace of release doesn't matter all that much.

I think both are putting out killer figures... but with a different focus. Medicom will never make a deep line of SW figures. But will have some great recognizable ones. But with SS we'll get more variety which is what I'm looking for.
I know its the old song and dance, but seriously... if you don't want a figure then don't buy it. Why get bent out of shape because a figure you don't like is released? Someone likes it, so should they not get a figure just because you don't want it?

I think that might be too hard for some SW fans. I guess its cause I'm a SuperFan but I don't see why its hard to pass on things you don't want without causing a giant stink about it. Not that everyone does but.......................................
I know its the old song and dance, but seriously... if you don't want a figure then don't buy it. Why get bent out of shape because a figure you don't like is released? Someone likes it, so should they not get a figure just because you don't want it?

Yes, they need to ask each one of us who we want and then make ONLY the figures we say and for the price we want... otherwise they show they don't care about the fans. :D
Mostly Jedi and no Stormtroopers or vader,I dont what StarWars world SS is living in.:lol

A huge one where there is more to it than just Vader and troopers.

They've done a great collection of Jabba's palace, which despite the PT, is still one of the coolest alien locales in the saga.

They've hit up the Jedi, possibly a bit to extensively, and mainly PT but it's still a core group.

They're tackling the Sith nicely.

However, there are a multitude of groups still to be touched upon and it takes time, I'd prefer lots of figures from a group to finish it off than a bit here and a bit there. Jabba's great, but if we got him and no Bib, no Salacious, no Boushh he'd seem strange and less appealing but he's a collection centerpiece of figures and I love having a Jabba's palace setup.

We have yet to see PT Political Figures, film Padmes, more alien species like Tuskens and Greedo, Imperial Troops, Clone Troopers, Darth Vader, Ewoks, Gungans.

The fact is, there is a HUGE plethora of interesting characters all worth seeing in this line, and I want to see Vader and others with the SSC touch like everyone, but I love Star Wars for everything about it, and it's great to see Sideshow touching upon a wider range of characters and creatures than Hasbro ever did. I love how the line's being handled and I look forward to collecting it as long as Sideshow has it.
I guess maybe its that completist mentality... but seriously if collecting stresses you out probably not the best hobby to have. Hobbies should be fun, relaxing and most importantly fun.
You know, seeing the Medi lineup together like that really show how bland an offering they've had so far, only Luke as a non helmeted character and they botched his face, and umpteen troopers, it all looks to similar no variety.

Thats the thing I've said about SS choices so far. They've done a great job of showing SW is MORE than Vader, Clones, Fett, Etc.

Mostly Jedi and no Stormtroopers or vader,I dont know what StarWars world SS is living in.:lol

P.S. I'll give SS big props for Making Jabba's throne.:D

Great Medicom has done Vader, Clones, Stormies, Jango, Boba, and Mauk. Now what? They've now done most of the indemand characters. They're left with the other folks in the SW world. You gonna still get those or rip of them for doing the same characters SS has done? My guess is you'll slurp it up and tell us how great Medicom is for doing the same character SS has already done.
I guess maybe its that completist mentality... but seriously if collecting stresses you out probably not the best hobby to have. Hobbies should be fun, relaxing and most importantly fun.

Thats what I'm saying yet I keep getting told I'm "this" or "that" because of the approach I take to collecting.
I guess maybe its that completist mentality... but seriously if collecting stresses you out probably not the best hobby to have. Hobbies should be fun, relaxing and most importantly fun.

That's why I free all my stuff from it's plastic and cardboard prisons, even a 3 3/4" Hasbro figure is in it's own right a piece of artwork someone took the time and effort to create and it's so much fun to check it all out and of course most people know I like to highlight when great work is done, and that for me is exciting too. When I can drop Sideshow Anakin and Obi-Wan into mustfar stills and they blend in naturally, it's so exciting to further see the wonderful quality of pieces. I'm 24 but my collecting keeps me 4, and I love that, being totally grown up is like an aneurysm waiting to happen, and that's why I don't let myself stress about collecting, it's fun, it's my escape from the stresses I can't control in life.
I'm 24 but my collecting keeps me 4, and I love that, being totally grown up is like an aneurysm waiting to happen, and that's why I don't let myself stress about collecting, it's fun, it's my escape from the stresses I can't control in life.

Same for me Sean. Same 4 me. Except I'm 26. :lol

Well I'm a little late the game too,but if you guys aren't pissed,and I sure as hell was,that SS hasn't released all these figure's you see in the picture above and Medicom has,then It must take a whole lot to get you riled up.:lol

That is nice they released Vader, Boba and a ****load of Stormtroopers.

But . . . . Where is Han Solo? Princess Leia? Old Ben? Bespin Luke? Darth Sidious?


That's right SS has them out or coming. Vader and crew aren't here yet, but they will be, just like the others will be coming. Just gotta wait. And wait I can do since I've waited 30 years for a line like this.

**Note to the **********s, don't turn this into a Medi vs the world thing**
That's why I free all my stuff from it's plastic and cardboard prisons, even a 3 3/4" Hasbro figure is in it's own right a piece of artwork someone took the time and effort to create and it's so much fun to check it all out and of course most people know I like to highlight when great work is done, and that for me is exciting too. When I can drop Sideshow Anakin and Obi-Wan into mustfar stills and they blend in naturally, it's so exciting to further see the wonderful quality of pieces. I'm 24 but my collecting keeps me 4, and I love that, being totally grown up is like an aneurysm waiting to happen, and that's why I don't let myself stress about collecting, it's fun, it's my escape from the stresses I can't control in life.

You see,I think this is were me and some of you guys are majorly different.I got out of collecting 3 3/4" figures 7 years ago and I also got out of the 12" hasbro line around the same time,because that stuff just seemed to kiddy or cheap to me.I then got more into the statues and bust's,and Transformers reissue's and Binaltech were the only real toys I collected.I just returned to the 12" line with SS's stuff but then realized that Medicom was doing a better job.So as you can see I'm more into realism then anything else.I'm now selling off most of my sideshow PF's except Greivous and I'm now getting into the Maquette's because the PFs just don't seem realistic enough for me anymore.I think personally that Medcom's figure's except for Luke look more realistic then SS's PF line.