Commander Praji - Sideshow Exclusive 12"

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I think the cloth cap works better too, it just has a more authentic look to it to me. Combine the cloth cap with a pair of Newline jackboots, and that uni is gonna be looking razor sharp.

This is one time I may just get the real leather boots because that's about the only thing that stops him looking tip top.
If it works, you guys may want to buy several pairs of boots, I'm sure there will be future Imperial officers and it might look weird to have one guy with different boots.
Quite true, but there is also a lack of detail for some of the boots that has also put me off. SS in sculpting the boots gets that thin, trim, streamlined look that the real leather boots sometimes fail to capture.
I've never been bothered by Sideshow's boots, I think they're very well made, and one advantage I find with sculpt is you can paint weathering on them like ROTS Anakin which is nice too. The only boots I've ever seen look good with more actual materials like leather are like work boots or modern army boots that come up just above the ankle, some of those have looked impressive, but some of the knee boots I've seen look a little weird.
Wow, I had to skip over the last few pages... that Medi Vs Sideshow does get old.

Maybe we should work at just keeping this about the figure from here on out. With everyone riled up the thread really has lost its point. Or maybe just lock this one and start over :lol
Or maybe just lock this one and start over :lol

I think we've moved on just fine.

I just had a thought though, it was quite un-Vader to let this guy live, seems to me if the guy says an escape pod was launched and this guy just let it go after they had to run Tantive IV down, it's time for some choke action, hell he choked guys for less, one guy talks back to him and gets it.
Ya know, that is interesting. I'd say maybe Vader didn't know but I mean he HAD to know. Do we ever see Praji after the capture of the Tantive IV? Maybe he got his off screen?
Ya know, that is interesting. I'd say maybe Vader didn't know but I mean he HAD to know. Do we ever see Praji after the capture of the Tantive IV? Maybe he got his off screen?

I'd say even if not for the initial slip, if Vader ever saw him after finding out droids were on board, he'd probably get the axe. We didn't see him after that, probably because he was assigned to that Star Destroyer and in ANH, that was the only time spent on board an SD.
I think I prefer the cloth cap right now. I'll take pics with both of course but as of right now I plan on displaying the cloth cap.
I am definitely digging the cloth cap more... It sets more naturally and its not glossy like the sculpted one. Really the more I look at this fig, the cooler he is looking.
I am definitely digging the cloth cap more... It sets more naturally and its not glossy like the sculpted one. Really the more I look at this fig, the cooler he is looking.

Same here, he's got the same appeal as the Endor Troops to me, something about the military uniforms is looking really good for figures.
Same here, he's got the same appeal as the Endor Troops to me, something about the military uniforms is looking really good for figures.

Tomorrow I am putting the Uni-Monsters away and breaking out the Endor troops again.. They are seriously just some of my faves to display. :rock
the endor troopers look great but i haven't felt a need to get them but i'm excited about the commander and also want some rebel soldiers from the opening scene of ANH...even with their crazy helmets.
I'll probably go with the cloth cap as well... less chance of damaging the paint like the Freddy Krueger figure :monkey2
I am definitely digging the cloth cap more... It sets more naturally and its not glossy like the sculpted one. Really the more I look at this fig, the cooler he is looking.

Another thing is it fits the outfit more since the outfit is cloth. Though its nice to have both options
The only problem I have with this figure is that there are no Stormtroopers to dislpay with him. :lecture :monkey2
While that would look cool, in the films, it wasn't often you saw Stormtroopers and officers together, especially on Star Destroyers, Stormies were the grunts and the officers were up high in their cushy desk positions so to speak. The Endor base was one of few instances where officers and troops worked very closely together.