Confirmed Upcoming 1/6 Star Wars Releases: Hot Toys & Sideshow

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Re: Confirmed Upcoming Sideshow Star Wars Releases: 1/6 Figures and Accessories

1/6 Rancor? That's got to be at least 4-5 feet tall... wow... *goosebumps* Hate to see price... not to mention shipping price of that. Whew... that be some $$$$
Re: Confirmed Upcoming Sideshow Star Wars Releases: 1/6 Figures and Accessories

Im up for any and every addition to Jabbas Palace!!! But I know that I'll be waiting until the 30th Anniversary of Jedi!! Fingers crossed on that, and some ewoks!!!
Re: Confirmed Upcoming Sideshow Star Wars Releases: 1/6 Figures and Accessories

Just to be clear, there have been no announcements (as far as I'm aware of) about a 1/6 Rancor. I think a lot of us just really hope it will happen one day :duff
Re: Confirmed Upcoming Sideshow Star Wars Releases: 1/6 Figures and Accessories

I'm thinking a 1/6th Death Star throne room for ROTJ should be in the works.It would go great with the NEW Vader and Palpatine figure,plus Sideshow might go back and do Jedi Luke again....
Re: Confirmed Upcoming Sideshow Star Wars Releases: 1/6 Figures and Accessories

Or perhaps a DX Jedi Luke will be happening within a few years. It may take that long to come out with a throne room anyway.
Re: Confirmed Upcoming Sideshow Star Wars Releases: 1/6 Figures and Accessories

Agreed, the throne room would make a great diorama. Love that observation window.
Re: Confirmed Upcoming Sideshow Star Wars Releases: 1/6 Figures and Accessories

need admiral acbar, Darth vad, Gen Grivieos, count dooku.
Re: Confirmed Upcoming Sideshow Star Wars Releases: 1/6 Figures and Accessories

I would like to see Grievous, Count Dooku, Chewbacca, Grand Moff Tarkin, Shaak Ti, Little Anakin, an appropriate Padmé Amidala, Ahsoka Tano, Bail Organa, Nute Gunray, Watto, Jar Jar, Zuckuss, Wicket W. Warrick, Admiral Ackbar, Mon Mothma, Dark Honor Guard, and, of course, R2-D2 and C-3PO.

Not to mention The Old Republic and Darth Nihilus, Darth Bane, Exar Kun, Odan-Urr, Ulic Qel-Droma, Nomi Sunrider, Marka Ragnos, and, of course, Naga Sadow.

I'm sure I'm forgetting a few...
Re: Confirmed Upcoming Sideshow Star Wars Releases: 1/6 Figures and Accessories

I would like to see Grievous, Count Dooku, Chewbacca, Grand Moff Tarkin, Shaak Ti, Little Anakin, an appropriate Padmé Amidala, Ahsoka Tano, Bail Organa, Nute Gunray, Watto, Jar Jar, Zuckuss, Wicket W. Warrick, Admiral Ackbar, Mon Mothma, Dark Honor Guard, and, of course, R2-D2 and C-3PO.

Not to mention The Old Republic and Darth Nihilus, Darth Bane, Exar Kun, Odan-Urr, Ulic Qel-Droma, Nomi Sunrider, Marka Ragnos, and, of course, Naga Sadow.

I'm sure I'm forgetting a few...

Not me, give me another commander. Once cant have to many commanders. Then again with all those commander who do they command?
Re: Confirmed Upcoming Sideshow Star Wars Releases: 1/6 Figures and Accessories

a 1/6 rancor will be insanely big... but's it's a great idea!

By my rough and ready reckoning, about 3 - 3.5 foot tall.

I'd love one, but where would I put it?
Re: Confirmed Upcoming Sideshow Star Wars Releases: 1/6 Figures and Accessories

A pre-cyborg Grievous sounds awesome!!
Re: Confirmed Upcoming Sideshow Star Wars Releases: 1/6 Figures and Accessories

Based on a recent interview I'd guess SS is planning to revisit some characters, hopefully with better sculpts. Qui-Gon, Mace, Ep III Anakin, Padme and Darth Maul desperately need new sculpts and better tailoring. I'd also like to see a new Bespin Han Solo, Jedi Luke, DX ANH Princess Leia, and DX Farmboy Luke.

In addition to those and all that has been announced/planned, I'd also like to see Queen Amidala DX (2 outfits), Arena Padme, Slave Leia, Satele Shan, Mara Jade, Skiff Guard Lando, Senate Guard (armored under cloak), Savage Opress (realistic), Xizor, Jacen Solo/Darth Caedus, Jaina Solo, Galen Marek, Quinlan Vos, Royal Guard Trainees. Rancor would indeed be humongous.
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Re: Confirmed Upcoming Sideshow Star Wars Releases: 1/6 Figures and Accessories

Do you have a link to the interview? I haven't had a chance to see it in person in order to update the list.
Re: Confirmed Upcoming Sideshow Star Wars Releases: 1/6 Figures and Accessories

With so many figures yet un-done... I hope they don't start revisitng figures.
Re: Confirmed Upcoming Sideshow Star Wars Releases: 1/6 Figures and Accessories

I think if Hot Toys does the revisiting that would allow Sideshow to realease new stuff while HT could give us what would likely be the best quality figure possible.
Re: Confirmed Upcoming Sideshow Star Wars Releases: 1/6 Figures and Accessories

If HT does the revisits that could be the best scenario which would keep SS moving on new characters.
My list would be:
ANH Luke (DX Farmboy and X-Wing Pilot)
ANH Leia w/styled bun hair preferred--(DX could be celebration or ideally Slave)
Han Solo -- Bespin (Hoth is supposed to be en route, maybe Bespin attire will be DX)
Lando -- Sideshow's is good but I'll bet HT could blow it out of the water (DX Skiff)
Anakin Skywalker RotS -- (DX Normal and Sith)
Qui Gon TPM -- desperately needed
Mace Windu -- Just tweak SLJ Fury, add eye and reshape head
Obi-Wan (DX AotC and RotS)
Yoda(s) -- (DX OT and PT)
Padme Amidala -- Queen, Arena... whatever (all SS has done is the terrible Snowbunny)

If HT can produce nine Avengers characters in one year, why not 10 Star Wars?
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Re: Confirmed Upcoming Sideshow Star Wars Releases: 1/6 Figures and Accessories

If HT does the revisits that could be the best scenario which would keep SS moving on new characters.
My list would be:
ANH Luke (DX Farmboy and X-Wing Pilot)
ANH Leia w/styled bun hair preferred--(DX could be celebration or ideally Slave)
Han Solo -- Bespin (Hoth is supposed to be en route, maybe Bespin attire will be DX)
Lando -- Sideshow's is good but I'll bet HT could blow it out of the water (DX Skiff)
Anakin Skywalker RotS -- (DX Normal and Sith)
Qui Gon TPM -- desperately needed
Mace Windu -- Just tweak SLJ Fury, add eye and reshape head
Obi-Wan (DX AotC and RotS)
Yoda(s) -- (DX OT and PT)
Padme Amidala -- Queen, Arena... whatever (all SS has done is the terrible Snowbunny)

If HT can produce nine Avengers characters in one year, why not 10 Star Wars?


I can also see a HT Jedi Luke Happening eventually too.

Id imagine when its all said ans done we will have all three iconic looks of Luke from the OT. And at least 1 version of the other main characters. Im sure HT will milk this license as long as possible too. You are correct if HT can pump out 9 Avengers figures in a span of 1-2 years. HT will be sure to dig deep into STAR WARS.

And has anyone heard anything more about whats going on with the Carbon Freezing Chamber Environment from SS? With Luke just about to ship and Vader Pre Order coming soon, Im getting anxious about that environment. :impatient: :lol
Re: Confirmed Upcoming Sideshow Star Wars Releases: 1/6 Figures and Accessories

If HT relives all the SS figures, I can see myself not buying SS anymore and just waiting for the HT figures. Sure I'll be waiting awhile, but it'll be worth the wait.
Re: Confirmed Upcoming Sideshow Star Wars Releases: 1/6 Figures and Accessories

If HT relives all the SS figures, I can see myself not buying SS anymore and just waiting for the HT figures. Sure I'll be waiting awhile, but it'll be worth the wait.

If they did revisit ALL of the Sideshow ones you'll be waiting for decades.