I *really* hope that Disney releases the "IMAX cut" of AOTC on blu-ray some day. Back in the early 2000's IMAX films couldn't run longer than two hours and AOTC had to be trimmed greatly to show in those theaters. Obviously IMAX is all about spectacle so they left in all the battles and special effects and greatly trimmed the Anakin/Padme romance among other things. I read up on it a while back and entire sections of their subplot were just gone. IIRC they just arrive on Naboo and then have maybe one dialogue scene and then cut to him at the railing telling her he needs to go after his mother. None of the dumb stuff in the field or that awkward kiss or anything.
I WANT THAT CUT OF THE FILM! Supposedly it made AOTC just breeze along at a good clip with the most eye-rolling/offensive scenes totally absent. Please Disney, make it happen.
Hell that's part of what made the mighty ESB so good. Just cutting out the crap.