Current discount codes at SSC

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Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

I watched some dude in Qatar comb his beard on periscope. That's a weird app

It was borderline driving me crazy..texts flying over the persons face on the left, hearts flying everywhere on the right, video going in and out. Not the greatest app I've ever seen.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

It was borderline driving me crazy..texts flying over the persons face on the left, hearts flying everywhere on the right, video going in and out. Not the greatest app I've ever seen.

Yeah, the messages obscuring the video really sucked
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

Only thing I've truly won from Sideshow was a grab bag. Ended up having some ThreeA zombie figure in it. Didn't want the figure at all, but the designer did artwork for some Metal Gear Solid thing, and my friend loves *anything* even distantly related to that game series... so I just gave it to him, and he enjoys having it. No skin off my back, not like I paid $100 to get it :) Made someone happy, at the end of the day, we're all dead anyways and whoever is left probably won't appreciate our stuff.

With that said, I *really* want an AoU Black Widow.. I may be able to afford to order one by December. Maybe.
Really want a Queen of the Dead too, but that's out of my price range even with holiday money and saving.
This would be a lot less weird sounding if I was half my age, then I could see not having money... but now, ugh. Living expenses, medical, and the lady take up my cash.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

Sniveling, usually followed by the "I never win ANYTHING".

I wonder why?

I'm thrilled with the RP's and if that is all I get then great. All the other stuff is fun for a lark in my opinion. I want the RP's most anyway since I need all I can get to secure those PF statues coming out. Ouch!
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

Yeah, the messages obscuring the video really sucked

That's kind of my issue, it flows WAY too fast to keep up with the messages, so I have no idea what's going on, and I can't see the actual video... so that ruins it for me. I'd prefer just watching a youtube video, even if I can't "win" something doing so.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

I'm thrilled with the RP's and if that is all I get then great. All the other stuff is fun for a lark in my opinion. I want the RP's most anyway since I need all I can get to secure those PF statues coming out. Ouch!

I try not to look at those even. If I'm lucky, I can buy one 1/6th figure on my own in a year. Anything beyond that is the kindness of family or strangers. Those PF's are just.... yeeowch.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code


Every Spook there is complaining about this or that. I say enjoy enjoy enjoy. Those who have been apart of spook for years got to enjoy it to the fullest and have learned that SS is a great company and does care about its supporters.

Social Media has been great for SS and it will bring in the fair weather people who just want free stuff but have never put a dime into SS.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

That's kind of my issue, it flows WAY too fast to keep up with the messages, so I have no idea what's going on, and I can't see the actual video... so that ruins it for me. I'd prefer just watching a youtube video, even if I can't "win" something doing so.

I'll try it again if they can get the bandwidth to withstand the onslaught of information thrown at it on the app.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code


Every Spook there is complaining about this or that. I say enjoy enjoy enjoy. Those who have been apart of spook for years got to enjoy it to the fullest and have learned that SS is a great company and does care about its supporters.

^This. Someone at their company sent me a Batman last year when I was undergoing cancer radiation. I can't afford a lot of their stuff, but what I can I treasure.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

I don't expect anything at all, and I'm happy with the RP. That said, I guess I'm the only one who thought that guy had a point. Periscope is a cool idea, but it's way too glitchy, and it shouldn't be luck of the draw to even ENTER a contest. Not to mention they've given away a LOT on Periscope. Doesn't quite seem logical, but I'm not gonna whine about it. It's whatever. I will say I'm annoyed at that group though. It's all "GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIE."
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

I don't expect anything at all, and I'm happy with the RP. That said, I guess I'm the only one who thought that guy had a point. Periscope is a cool idea, but it's way too glitchy, and it shouldn't be luck of the draw to even ENTER a contest. Not to mention they've given away a LOT on Periscope. Doesn't quite seem logical, but I'm not gonna whine about it. It's whatever. I will say I'm annoyed at that group though. It's all "GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIE."

If he just said it and left it alone it may not have gone the way it did. I can certainly understand that out of all the social media giveaways, Periscope is the least liked so far due to bandwidth and overflow of texting. Regardless what is done is done, and you know when people are going ape over a free Tonto you've crossed a line. I don't know anyone who was anxious for that figure.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

If he just said it and left it alone it may not have gone the way it did. I can certainly understand that out of all the social media giveaways, Periscope is the least liked so far due to bandwidth and overflow of texting. Regardless what is done is done, and you know when people are going ape over a free Tonto you've crossed a line. I don't know anyone who was anxious for that figure.

Fair enough. I was annoyed at first, but when I heard what was given away...yeah, who cares.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

There's a rep system, you know. :lol

Please explain how to rep someone. I don't know how, and there have been a few instances where I seriously want to rep someone.

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Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

If all the begging worked, maybe get those people to start begging for deals. Only a few people will win these contests, but everyone can "win" if there are some good discounts.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

Please explain how to rep someone. I don't know how, and there have been a few instances where I seriously want to rep someone.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Become a premium member and rep away!
Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code

Please explain how to rep someone. I don't know how, and there have been a few instances where I seriously want to rep someone.

Would love to know as well . This is my first forum