Current discount codes at SSC

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Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

Wait, so only the rich hang out at Starbucks? Sure doesn't look that way. ;)
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

Yeah, that's what I thought too. I only see "Your Orders with Pending Points". Maybe some things aren't updated yet with the new policy?

Are you not seeing a breakdown of available and pending at the top of your rewards screen in your account? Like this?
Screen shot 2014-02-20 at 2.59.49 PM.jpg

The 'Your orders with Pending Points' is at the bottom of the screen. The top will have both breakdowns for you. Is that not displaying?

Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

Alex, I see that but I guess I was thinking we used to see how we got the "Available Points". I vaguely remember seeing that breakdown when we were all chasing codes during Spooktacular.

Of course, I don't sleep much with all these kids so my brain isn't what it once was. :)
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

Are you not seeing a breakdown of available and pending at the top of your rewards screen in your account? Like this?

Woah! Mine's not like that at all. I hope it can be fixed! I'm clearly missing at least two digits in my available points total.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

Alex, I see that but I guess I was thinking we used to see how we got the "Available Points". I vaguely remember seeing that breakdown when we were all chasing codes during Spooktacular.

Of course, I don't sleep much with all these kids so my brain isn't what it once was. :)

Once the points are active you will not be able to find out where they came from in your's only when points are in pending mode that you can view what order they came from. Once they are active and able to be used they just get turned into your active bank of points (a big pool of points as it were).

Woah! Mine's not like that at all. I hope it can be fixed! I'm clearly missing at least two digits in my available points total.

If you believe you are missing points please do contact customer service and they can investigate it further. Or you can PM me your Sideshow user name and I can investigate it further really quick.


Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

Define "missing?" :) Na, I just meant that the example shown has two more digits in the points total - that I wish I also had on mine.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

Define "missing?" :) Na, I just meant that the example shown has two more digits in the points total - that I wish I also had on mine.

Ah...I kind of had a feeling that was case but wanted to make sure. Want to make sure everyone's points are working right for 'em! :)

Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

Won't all that info. be in you order history?
Would be handy all on display without fishing.
Since they upgraded the website, yes, the order history shows the "awarded points." The old website did not. But still, it's a pain to have to go through each and every order if you want to balance your account. If you don't place a lot of orders, I guess it's no big deal. But if you order a lot, it can be hard to reconcile, especially if there is actually a problem and points were not applied, which happened to me once.

Woah! Mine's not like that at all. I hope it can be fixed! I'm clearly missing at least two digits in my available points total.
No kidding! 101,000 points?!?!?! YOWZA!!!
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Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

er, ahh...I think I'm missing some digits too. Yeah, that's it! :lol.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

ant to make sure everyone's points are working right for 'em! :)

And we appreciate it, Alex! Sideshow staff is still THE best staff I've ever seen! I wish other companies were even 50% as good as you guys... You should see the "form letters" I get from some customer service departments, not even coming close to addressing my issues.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

And I can't use a single one for anything...well...accept to use on test orders, ha!

I can help you place test orders from that account! :lecture I don't mind at all!
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes


On my pending RP screen, it only shows the 3 orders I placed without using RP or a coupon. When I click on my other orders that I did use RP on, it now says Pending Points and the amount near the bottom.

Is it safe to assume that the points for the amount I actually paid will be added to my account 40 days after the item shipped? Will it ever be shown on the Pending Points screen?
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

Same thing for me. I have Robocop, Iron Patriot, and Mk42 that I used coupons for that are still on pre-order, but it does not show their pending points in my reward points page or on the view order for each.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

same here Alex, just bought wolverine and no dice on pending points.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

If folks could PM your account names with Sideshow I can have it investigated further. Previously any Pre-Order items (that had not shipped yet or had shipped but not hit the 40 day mark as of February 14, 2014) were not showing their pending points yet (they would just show up in the active points section once they item had hit the 40 days after ship mark) but that should have been adjusted yesterday for all accounts that applied.


Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

My pending points for both Han Solo Echo Base figures are showing in the summary section.

But the pending points for Vader and Luke Echo Base (orders for which I used reward points) aren't included in the summary. However, they are showing as pending on the individual order pages for those figures.

Is that correct?

Will those points just jump straight to 'available' 40 days after shipping?

EDIT: I just realized that exact question has already been asked.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

Oh yeah, huh. I just PM'd you SideshowAlex, because I didn't see it on my summary page, but the individual page for the order has the points listed as pending.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

Oh yeah, huh. I just PM'd you SideshowAlex, because I didn't see it on my summary page, but the individual page for the order has the points listed as pending.

Same with mine - nothing on the summary, but the individual product page shows them pending.