Current discount codes at SSC

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Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

I do know someone who recently won a figure through Susan, the main SSC account, and it was taking quite some time, several weeks. But I also saw Susan tweet something about it currently taking several weeks for them to get prizes out to us.

Yeah I won the Sucker Punch Amber a month ago off of twitter, hasn't arrived yet, but they said 4-6 weeks or something like that.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

Actually talked to that friend this afternoon, and they are shipping that prize out today. They said it's been about 4 weeks since they won it. So, right on schedule.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

When I won my Sideshow Vader I had to agree to the terms, then I was announced the winner. Then I had to wait until I was contacted with a $10.00 shipping quote, which I agreed to. Then a few weeks later I received a UPS shipping notification, then I week later I had my figure. All in all in took about a month for me to get the vader in my hands.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

I've only done one twitter contest. That was it for me.

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Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

Yeah. I won The Mandarin via Twitter a few weeks ago and while I heard from Susan right away, I just got the shipping/confirmation email yesterday. :clap
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

Congrats :)

I wonder, now that we get rewards points even when we use coupons, do we still get double rewards on the daily rewards items if we use a coupon on them. Been thinking about the classic predator statue... Just wish it was larger.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

Have there been any double rewards items lately? I haven't seen one in a while now, and then only mentioned in newsletters.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

Have there been any double rewards items lately? I haven't seen one in a while now, and then only mentioned in newsletters.

Yeah they've been doing one every day lately. I see them on facebook. Today is clasic predator statue, yesterday was red skull bust I think. But definitely every day this month.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

Do the coupons come available right at the start of each month or does it vary as to when SS makes them available?
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

Yeah they've been doing one every day lately. I see them on facebook. Today is clasic predator statue, yesterday was red skull bust I think. But definitely every day this month.

Can you do us (me) a favor and post the daily deal you see on Facebook here to the forum?
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

Lmao some of these double point things suck **** like maybe they should just make things ppl will actually buy. How long till the Nathan Drake PF EX is up for double pnts. Rotfl

Sent from the Bat Computer
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

Thanks for posting the updates Surly. They haven't done double points on anything I want to get yet but if they do its a nice little bonus. Does anybody know if you use reward points or code on a double rewards deal if you still get double rewards on the part you pay for?
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

That's the point for the double rewards, I think. They want to get rid of inventory so they put the less popular items up with perks. I doubt they have the popular items up for double reward points unless it's a special promotion, like for Captain America recently. Our film's almost due out in a month so they might have another one, but it will more than likely be a reveal or announcement for the Winter Soldier line much like they did with Iron Man 3.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

As far as I'm aware double points on new orders have only been offered when there has been a GG alternative available.
Iron Patriot and Capt.
The rest is obviously an attempt to shift stock.
Re: Current discount codes at SSC - and other talk that has nothing to do with codes

That's the point for the double rewards, I think. They want to get rid of inventory so they put the less popular items up with perks. I doubt they have the popular items up for double reward points unless it's a special promotion, like for Captain America recently. Our film's almost due out in a month so they might have another one, but it will more than likely be a reveal or announcement for the Winter Soldier line much like they did with Iron Man 3.

They're doing the double reward points to crush Gentle Giant :lol