Custom Batman Capes

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if lou will set again a list with 10 people for the velvet cape, I might bite again for a long begins velvet cape for the future.
Erm? I thought thats the one you have...





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ok I have someone that does not want their cape and wants a refund. These capes are custom made and are made to order. I put time and effort into each one, therefore I cannot give a refund. If by any means the cape I send is defective those who know me know I will fix it no problem.
Man I want one of those Lance,
so what do you think a 1/6th Bale replacement head?
Oh I can afford it, but rather, I'm trying to actually just get the funds into my paypal account to make a direct transfer, by selling a few things :) Btw, I WISH 20 bucks here was 3 meals. More like barely, to not even two!
Is it possible to get one for a Takara Batman? I used my Takara's cape ages ago for a TDK mod and kinda need a new one lol
I'm making this post to detail my experience with lforigno and one of his "custom" made Bamtan capes. This post is NOT ment to slander or discredit lforign, but simply to inform others of how he does business.

lforigno contacted me after I made a post here about buying one of his "custom" made Bamtan capes. Here are the dates and the transcripts of our conversation:



lforigno - I make custom batman capes if you are interested. Here is my thread:

and some pics:

Edit: images are no longer available for some reason

They are much more accurate than a buddylee cape. They are 30 dollars each for a TDK cape and 40 for a begins cape. My paypal is [email protected] if you are interested.

Alex Logan - I would be interested. My I ask how the your capes FIT into the DK suit? And what are your capes make out of?


lforigno - They are designed with 2 ends that you shove into the suit, which is very very easy and it does not come out at all. The capes are made out of a special blend of 95% rayon and 5% spandex. The are cut with precision and every curve and line are perfect. The TDK capes are 30 dollars each. my paypal is [email protected]

Alex Logan - Sounds great. One more question... what's the length of your capes? and is the end cut straight or with many curves like in the comics?

It seems there were MANY capes used in the film, but I think the straight cut that DOESN'T hang on the ground is the best way to go.

Thanks again.

lforigno - honestly you agree totally with me. No one else seems to think multiple style capes were used in the film but you are right whenever he was not gliding he had no curves on his cape, which is what I use on mine. Also I can make the cape any length so you want no curves and basically floor length correct?

Alex Logan - Great, glad to see you agree. I honestly don't know how anyone couldn't see that there where many capes used. Oh, well...

Yes, no curves and almost to the floor. Like this I would guess:


lforigno - sounds good. just send payment to [email protected] 30 dollars

Alex Logan - Okay, great! Do you have s limited supply? I would like to send you the payment on Wednesday. Would that be alright?


lforigno - that is fine, I get a lot of orders in so when you send payment please refresh my memory as to how you would like it.

Alex Logan - Okay, great!



Alex Logan - Just wanted to check to see if you got my payment.


lforigno - yeah i got it, thanks


Alex Logan - Great! Thanks!


Alex Logan - Hey man,

I got the cape today. Can mail it back to you for a refund? It's not what I expected.


lforigno - You are the first person not to care for it. But each cape is custom made therefor no returns. You can sell it if you want.


Alex Logan - Well, to be quite honest your description was not really accurate. I don't think the cape was "cut to precision" like you stated. There is atleast one jagged edge that I can clearly see. And how are the ends designed to "not come out"?

If I'm the only one here that doesn't like it then I guess I have an artists eye and I'm pay attention to detail, but who knows...

I'm sorry if I come off like a ____, but I think 30 bucks is alot to pay for what I got.

How about I ship it back to you, you refund me 20 bucks and then you can sell it to someone else. Either way you're not really losing ANY money here, I bet each cape cost you about 4 or 5 bucks. Besides, when did you say there were no refunds?


lforigno - Each cape is custom made to order there are no refunds. If you want you can take a pic of the jagged edge and send it to me. If you ship it back out to me I will fix it. But no refunds

lforigno - I am not saying you are not lying I may have missed an edge but I make these as orders come in. If you take the pic and ship it back I will pay for shipping costs. But only one I get it with the cost of shipping then I will fix it and send it back. Anyways let me know.

Alex Logan - I can send you picture, but why would I want to go though all that for something that I know I don't want?

Also, why didn't you touch on any of the other things? How are the ends made to not come out as you stated? Why didn't you tell me there where no refunds? If I had knowm there were no refunds I wounldn't have bought one. Besides, who sales something like this and offers no refund?

lforigno - these are CUSTOM MADE NOT mass produced. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS, but I will fix this for you. It was an honest mistake on my part please just ship it using first class mail which is around 2 dollars and I will send you 2 dollars for shipping once I get it along with fixing it and shipping it back.

THe edges have never done this to me before, just like you get a defective figure from hot toys my cape was just a bad one is all. I am willing to fix it for FREE. BUT NO REFUNDS as these are made to order.

If I was just selling pieces that are not custom made I would offer you a refund, but im sorry I cant after I put time into it.

Alex Logan - It looks like this is getting "heated" and I'm not going to get into a shouting match over the internet.

So, as it stands now we have one of two options: we can resolve this here or we can go thought Paypal. Which would you like?

lforigno - Go right ahead and go through paypal.

Alex Logan - Do you really want to do that over 20.00? Is it worth having problems there and here too?

lforigno - do what you have to do, I offered you to fix it. These are custom capes not mass produced items and you are the only one to not like it, which I can respect. The only thing I will do is you could ship it back to me and I could give you a 15 dollar refund which would cover the envelope, shipping costs, material and my time. I would not refund you until I got it and in the same condition I sent it out to you.

But honestly if that is not what you want to do go ahead and go through paypal.

Alex Logan - Well, unfortunately it looks as if you're not willing to accept ANY amount of loss here. I am willing to take a 10.00 dollor loss plus buy a new mailer and pay for shipping which would put the total loss on my end at about 13.00.

If I was to take your offer I'll be taking a loss of 18.00 and by the time you factor in everthing I would have to do just to get 12.00 back, is there really even a point?


After that last PM I opened a Paypal disput, which was closed 7 minutes later with only a 15.00 refund coming my way. The reason? Because this transaction took place somewhere other then eBay.

Here are some photos of what I got:





So there you have it in all it's "custom" made glory. You decided wheither or not you want to do business with this person.
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I think its against the rules of the board to post Private Messages... (can't remember, been a while since I read the rules) I would remove them before you get infracted or something.

Also... this is a personal dispute between you two, no need to make it into a public ____ throwing match. lforigno offered to fix it and pay the shipping which is more than reasonable to me since as he says, they are not mass produced and are custom made.

Personally, if I received a custom product that I wasn't happy with and could not get a refund, I would just sell it to someone else who would want it and appreciate it.
Personally, if I received a custom product that I wasn't happy with and could not get a refund, I would just sell it to someone else who would want it and appreciate it.

Why would I want to make my problem someone else's?
Why would I want to make my problem someone else's?

I don't see it as that big of a problem, even if the edge isn't that neat, when its on the figure you won't notice those edges.

And since he offered to correct it, you could have got it corrected and still sold it then it wouldn't be a problem.
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