Custom Batman Capes

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I offered to correct it for free including free shipping BUT he wants to part and filed a claim. Like I said those who know me, know that if something happened to a cape I will take care of it without question.
I don't see it as that big of a problem, even if the edge isn't that neet, when its on the figure you won't notice those edges.

And since he offered to correct it, you could have got it corrected and still sold it then it wouldn't be a problem.

Very true, however, this was a business transaction and I don't feel that I should have to go though all that just to be satisfied. I'm a business man and intrapreneur myself. When I sell a product or a service I do ANYTHING and EVRYTHING to please the client. That's just good business practice. What this person did is not.

Another thing that seems to be slipping by here is that fact that the ends are NOT designed to say in the figure, which was one of me biggest concerns.
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Very ture, however, this was a business transaction and I don't feel that I should have to go though all that just to be satisfied. I'm a business man and intrapreneur myself. When I sell a product or a service I do ANYTHING and EVRYTHING to please the client. That's just good business practice. What this person did is not.

Another thing that seems to be slipping by here is that fact that the ends are NOT designed to say in the figure, which was one of me biggest concerns.

But he offered to correct it and pay the shipping and everything. You wouldn't have been out of pocket, it would have just been a little bit of a longer wait. I don't see why you didn't take him up on the offer before trying to seek a refund or just sell it on.

And plenty of others have managed with just pushing the ends into the shoulders. Someone else (can't remember who sorry) applied a bit of super glue to the ends, allowed it to dry, so that it would stay wedged in better.

This all just seems like your making a mountain out of a mole hill to me. I really don't see why you weren't willing to take him up on the offer to correct it unless you had buyers remorse or something. Because sticking it in an envelope and waiting isn't alot of effort.

Thats all from me though. It's a shame you weren't happy with your experience.
But he offered to correct it and pay the shipping and everything. You wouldn't have been out of pocket, it would have just been a little bit of a longer wait. I don't see why you didn't take him up on the offer before trying to seek a refund or just sell it on.

And plenty of others have managed with just pushing the ends into the shoulders. Someone else (can't remember who sorry) applied a bit of super glue to the ends, allowed it to dry, so that it would stay wedged in better.

This all just seems like your making a mountain out of a mole hill to me. I really don't see why you weren't willing to take him up on the offer to correct it unless you had buyers remorse or something. Because sticking it in an envelope and waiting isn't alot of effort.

Thats all from me though. It's a shame you weren't happy with your experience.

The problem is that it's more than you make you out to be. Buying an envelope, standing in line at the post office, PAYING to ship it back, waiting for it to be fixed and then TRYING to sell to someone else who may or may not like it either? No thank you.

The bottomline is that this was a BUSINESS transaction and it was not handled in a professional manner.
im sorry but this is really funny to me. Everyone who reads these posts will clearly see that I offered to fix it and pay for shipping. Also I have a pretty good reputation on these boards so I am not really worried about it. Anyways take care
My God! I could never waste that much energy complaining over a $20 piece of material. Jeez, go outside and play or something.

But you could spent countless amonts of energy making 15,000 posts on the internet?

Actually, it was 30.00 for something that looked like a child had cut it out with a pair or scissors. You spend good money on something like that and then see how you feel.
Oh sorry, $30 ........... that makes all the world of difference now. :dunno

lforigno, your capes and customer service are amazing, keep up the good work! :clap
Here are some of the capes by customers who appreciate them. Yes I admit I made one bad cape, but I offered to fix it free of charge.





Not to mention the countless others.
The problem is that it's more than you make you out to be. Buying an envelope, standing in line at the post office, PAYING to ship it back, waiting for it to be fixed and then TRYING to sell to someone else who may or may not like it either? No thank you.

The bottomline is that this was a BUSINESS transaction and it was not handled in a professional manner.

Getting an envelope and standing in line is a bloody inconveniance at most. It ISN'T that big of a problem.

Being realistic here, a good pair of sharpened up scissors from a diamond sharpening stone which I have used for a number of tools myself or a new pair of scissors for fabrics could have fixed that all in less than 5 minutes. He wouldn't be needing to send material back or filing disputes.

Whether it was used for this or not, in life you will always need some tool for the job that works for this or something else. It's inevitable to work with anything without good scissors or any kind of knives to get the job done regardless what it's used on.
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Very ture, however, this was a business transaction and I don't feel that I should have to go though all that just to be satisfied. I'm a business man and intrapreneur myself. When I sell a product or a service I do ANYTHING and EVRYTHING to please the client. That's just good business practice. What this person did is not.

Another thing that seems to be slipping by here is that fact that the ends are NOT designed to say in the figure, which was one of me biggest concerns.

lforigno DID do everything in his power to please you except refund you the money you paid him to customize a cape for you. All you wanted was your money back. As a business man, which you claim to be, you should know that refunds for custom jobs are hard to come buy. lforigno offered you a partial refund which was very generous on his end. He offered to replace the cape for you, and you refused what else do you want? As a business man you should've did your research on these capes. You would've found out that there is a little bit of work the get the capes to stay in. You should've asked him about a refund policy cause you obviously know that not all custom jobs will turn out the way you expect. It was obvious all you wanted was your money back and to keep the cape. I'm sorry but that is what it seems like. lforigno offered to give you a partial refund if you sent the cape back. As a business man you should know that no one will give you a refund and let you keep the merchandise. Try that at Walmart or Target and you'll get laughed out the door. lforigno did all he can to please you but in the end you were not willing to put in the effort to reach an agreement. Case closed.

Buying and envelope, going to the post office, sending it back is NOT a deal. Yes it takes time out of your day but if you want a refund go and do it.

I've bought 3 capes from lforigno and they were great capes. His customer service in awesome and he's one of the best to deal with here. As a new member, the next time you are looking to commission something make sure you do your research before you dive into it here or anywhere. Just a life lesson in general.
A custom cape is never going to be 100% perfect. Expecting it to be as such is unreasonable. Unless lforigno has a mini-factory in his house cranking these things out from a template similar to what Hot Toys is able to do, that is. But I highly doubt that. You paid $30 for a cape made from a material that is 110% nicer and more accurate than what the figure came with and, unless you stretch the cape out and examine every square inch, you wouldn't be able to tell there's anything "wrong" with it. You wanted a template that would look good draped, and I'm pretty sure that when it is draped, it looks great. I got one from him and I've had no problems with it staying in the suit. You just fold the ends over and use a small instrument to stuff it down into the suit. I don't see what the big deal is.