Custom Batman Capes

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Darnit! I didn't see this new updated cape by lou. I got the first version he worked on but if only I knew of this earlier I would have got one. :(

I hope he opens up another batch I would really love to get the velvet cape too.
Thanks a lot lforigno !!!!!!! Your cape has improved my version 1 dark knight figure a lot. I always knew that the crappy double folded cape Hot Toys shipped the figure with made the fig look worse. Heres some shots of the figure with the cape.

P.S. I still think this figure holds upto the DX version. I might be doing a mod to shave down the chest and make the chest piece go in to the point of it being flat....will post tutorial on how i did it if I do mod it !!!



EDIT: Just realised the photo effect made the image dark. Here an untouched version:

Looks great with the cape!

Wish I would have been able to get one but didn't have the spare £££ at the time. Too many bills :( Never mind though and congrats to those who got them!

If you pull that chest mod off I'll be interested in how you did it. Still think the V1 looks great! I put my spare DX parts on it, and how its posed on the shelf, apart from larger chest, they look pretty similar!
Dammit I talked to my fiancee and she wants me to keep making them so I guess I am going to keep making them as whatever she says goes lol.

Anyways I was able to keep the templates for the TDK and begins capes so I can still make them. I will not be making any velvet capes. I am lowering the pricing on these to reflect the prices I have on eBay. I apologize for anyone who bought these for more. The price for a TDK cape is 20 dollars shipped and a Begins cape is still 40 begins the material is double.
Dammit I talked to my fiancee and she wants me to keep making them so I guess I am going to keep making them as whatever she says goes lol.

Anyways I was able to keep the templates for the TDK and begins capes so I can still make them. I will not be making any velvet capes. I am lowering the pricing on these to reflect the prices I have on eBay. I apologize for anyone who bought these for more. The price for a TDK cape is 20 dollars shipped and a Begins cape is still 40 begins the material is double.

welcome back ... again! :D
Anyways I was able to keep the templates for the TDK and begins capes so I can still make them.

Ha! I knew you still had 'em! :clap

I am lowering the pricing on these to reflect the prices I have on eBay. I apologize for anyone who bought these for more. The price for a TDK cape is 20 dollars shipped and a Begins cape is still 40 begins the material is double.

Will you be making any of the TDK long capes? The ones half way between TK and Begins in length.

P.S. Why does your fiancé care about capes? :huh
Ha! I knew you still had 'em! :clap

Will you be making any of the TDK long capes? The ones half way between TK and Begins in length.

P.S. Why does your fiancé care about capes? :huh

It is a source of income lol. Yes I am making the long TDK capes. They are the same price. 20 dollars shipped.
Thats pretty funny! :lol

Will hopefully be able to get one soon then!

Payed second half for my Bat signal from One Sixth Bruce today, so that with the eventual cape will make for a damn nice display! :rock
don't risk our friendship mate ;)
he will really be back next year, i hope ^^

Oh I know, I haven't forgotten when he first went to Ferrari with a poor car. It took a few years before he developed the car and came back to his dominance, sadly age is against him now. :/ Competing against people half his age.

P.S. Why does your fiancé care about capes? :huh

Maybe she's starting collecting as well. :)
Oh I know, I haven't forgotten when he first went to Ferrari with a poor car. It took a few years before he developed the car and came back to his dominance, sadly age is against him now. :/ Competing against people half his age.

the only hope i have is that this year is relatively new for him. the tires, the car-feeling, the team, the tracks and he hasn't driven 3 years. though I have expected a bit more. I haven't expected that he will win a race this year, but there were so many unbelievable tactic-errors, that i really was astonished to see something like that from schumacher/brawn.

still have the hopes that he will learn all the new things and the car will be better to drive then this year. he hasn't forget to drive, he showed it several times like the attack against button in china or alonso in monaco (man that was great :D) but still there were many mistakes and his team-mate is constantly faster then him. so only time will show :)

heh, now we're talking about f1 in a batman-cape-thread ^^
I knew there would be more capes made, lol. Reading through the thread form start to finish you must have said "no more" about 20 times, iforigno :lol You can't escape them!
I knew there would be more capes made, lol. Reading through the thread form start to finish you must have said "no more" about 20 times, iforigno :lol You can't escape them!

haha I cant and it does not help that my fiancee is in my ear telling me to keep on making them for extra cash.
Yes I am making the long TDK capes. They are the same price. 20 dollars shipped.

Nice! :yess:

vodoun, if your here, could you post a picture of your TDK long cape? I know it's around here somewhere, but I can't find it at the monent. :)
let me know if you change your mind on the velvet capes...
I was considering upgrading until your "retirement." ;)

Yes likewise but I can't at the moment, I would like to get another batch of 3 capes like I got from him last time but for velvet.

1 TDK short
1 TDK long
1 Batman Begins really long