Custom Batman Capes

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Oh Alex... I did READ your post. You say a lot of things in your posts, but only you really know what the truth is. You're that customer who goes into a restaurant and eats until their full then calls the manager over and says my food sucks. You didn't do this and this right I don't want to pay for my food.

I'm not gonna argue with you because it's not worth my time. For a member who's been apart of this board since March of 2009 you should know how things run around here. Just reading your posts in this thread we already know who the DUMB one is here so I don't have to do much foot work or defending on my part. Feel free to go back into hiding Alex.

Clearly, if you think I wanted to keep the cape and get me money back then you didn't read them.

I'm sorry to say that you are wrong.
From a pure outsiders point of view - and for no other reason than it is a pure outsider's point of view since I've never had anything to do with these guys so it might be pretty objective.

There was a fundamental mistake make by lforigno when he didn't state there were no refunds as a condition of sale. I'm sorry but I don't buy the "it's custom so it's immune from refunds due to defects or not meeting advertised specifications". That's baloney and probably raised tempers unnecessarily. Even if that is standard custom fabricator terms (which I would hope that it's not) you can't assume customers are familiar with unwritten rules.

There was, however, a further fundamental error made by Alex where - when he wasn't able to negotiate the exact outcome he wanted - he came and quoted verbatim an entire history of business correspondence. I would never consider that a professional approach (and have worked for corporate and government organisations at all levels). The fact that lforigno (eventually and seemingly grudgingly) began to budge and negotiate an outcome reflects better on him and coupled with Alex's long correspondence quoting gives the impression that Alex is being a bit unreasonable (I'm making no judgements, merely saying what it feels like, personally, to me). But both parties made the initial mistake of digging in their heels and refusing to consider alternatives - and that's not good negotiation strategy, it's not good business (or customer) strategy.

Finally the Freaks board didn't help matters by immediately and unflinchingly flocking to lforigno's defence. Which would be ok except I should also add the word "violently" to that description. I've seen on this board (and only avoided being a victim of it myself when I kept my mouth shut about what I felt, and still feel, is a legitimate complaint) people leap to the defence of their friends when any "stranger" acts in a way that might cause them a problem, without necessarily looking at things objectively. Probably the least controversial example I can think of off the top of my head is Joe Donato - initial complaints were met with some pretty nasty replies, but they ended up being valid. Unfortunately as we all learn sometime, business and friendship are not a match made in heaven. There seems to be a tendency to not just defend a friend, but to do it to extremes and use attack as the best form of defence. And when someone else is defending a friend, others leap in to support them in their "battle for righteousness". And things snowball until you get random Australians who mostly lurk making rambling posts about business practices, negotiation strategies and mob mentality.

Basically I'm saying, from my point of view, there's blame to be shared all round, and instead of the response of "that was kinda a jerky thing to do, and it could have been fixed anyway" became torches and pitchforks. Let's keep some proportion.

This is first post I've read since this whole thing began that makes ANY sense. I agree with almost everything you've said here. I don't know you, but now I want to know you.


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Look I by no means want to look like a bad guy and neither does Alex. It is done and over with and we need to move on. I have no hard feelings toward Alex and to be honest I still feel bad I made a faulty cape. I wish I could har fixed it for him but everyone is entitled to thief own opinion. In the end I have no hard feelings with the guy nor should anyone else.

:goodpost: definitely :goodpost:
As a general rule with customs purchases, if you have any concerns, and you should take the time to consider them, it's important to talk it over with the person you're looking to to business with, know everything you need to know about your options and what not up front so you aren't blind sided if something unplanned happens.

The reality is, most of these guys are just fellow collectors trying to offer some talent they have to their peers to help their collections, it's not corporate, the typical things you might have to fall back on with a corporation aren't there, and every artists handles things their own way, so you can't assume because you buy something from one customizer, it'll be the same with another. They write their own policies to fit with their lives and plans.

Keep the lines of communication healthily open and think your purchases through, don't be quick to shell out money before you know all the facts of what you're doing.
Hey lforigno any pics of the new capes you've made?? I may be in the market for a new cape.
I just recieved my cape from your Ebay auction, and I'm quite happy with it. It drapes naturally, and your cutting is precise, with no fraying, unravling or loose ends.

I have a few creases from shipping, and I'd like to iron them out before taking pictures. Which setting would you recommend?

Hey lforigno, can you send me information regarding how I can order one of your Dark Knight custom capes? They look great!