Custom Batman Capes

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Alright here's my Dark Knight Long cape:




I am really in love with it. Lforigno's capes are so easy to futz, they are almost self futzing. Look at how the cape just flows from the figure in that last one. At his prices it's a no-brainer over the HT cape.

Here are some comparison shots.

Left to right: lforigno's TDK long, Hot Toys, lforigno's TDK short:


Just lforigno's two TDK capes:


lforigno's TDK long cape with the HT cape lying on top of it:


lforigno's TDK long cape is much bigger in terms of square inches, and the way it hangs makes it look soooo badass! :emperor
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If I was to get one, it would be a short version, shorter than the hot toys version that is. Just so it touched the base. Do you do one like this iforigno?
If I was to get one, it would be a short version, shorter than the hot toys version that is. Just so it touched the base. Do you do one like this iforigno?

Yep, the TDK short is what you want then.

They are both awesome though, and I'm glad to have them both. :)
My pics aren't as great as say, Maglors, but here are a few pics of my velvet cape I got from lforigno-



thanks for all of the pics guys. I do have a rather large shipment going out tomorrow so if anyone is interested in ordering a cape before the shipment goes out please let me know.
All of these pics were taken with virtually no cape futzing. It almost futzes itself.






Again, this is the Dark Knight Long cape.

If I had one small nitpick about this cape, it would be that it doesn't stay in place under the chest plate as well as TDK short cape. I have had each side pop out once.

The short one had a lot more material to stuff in there, almost too much...

Other than that, I love it!!!



Any pics i post in this thread are yours to use as you see fit lforigno. :)
Great pose Maglor. I'd be afraid to try that with mine though, the rubber around the crotch looks like it will just snap if I move the legs too much.
^^ Thanks! I love that pose to. I can't stop starring at this figure now! :)

I plan on keeping it that way for quite a while, so I'll keep everyone posted if any problems develop as a result of the crotch rubber being stretched a bit.
^^Maglor, would you mind modeling the short version a little more?! The ones above & on the previous pages are the long cape right?

Im going back & forth on which version I want. Your pics of the long are great, so more pics of the short version at different angles+different poses (like ones above) would be greatly appreciated; And would really aid me in making a final decision!
This is the best I'm gonna be able to do for you:

Thought these pics showed off the cape nicely :) :



This is lforigno's original TDK regular (short) cape.

I posted those a while back. I don't know if you saw them or not. It's the "short version" The Dark Knight cape. I have it pulled out of the clip holes pretty far to make the short cape as long as possible in that pic. Vodoun has posted some pics with it looking shorter than that.

I won't be doing any re-posing for a while. I really love the pose I have Bats in right now, and it wasn't easy to get. :peace
^^Ok, gotcha; totally understandable!

Now, does that particular short cape have the lil "bat rigids/shape" at the end? It looks like it does, but cant quite tell!

Im assuming you prefer the long cape, over the short one? Any particular reason why, if you dont mind me askin!